Does her thesis indicate that she agrees with or endorses Alinsky's methods and theories?
We know that Obama taught Alinsky to others. If we could get the word out to Americans about what that means, it would be very damaging. Other than Beck, a little bit from radio hosts, no one talks about it, and very few average people know about this.
Often people do not want to know ... they prefer to keep the covers over their head. MO is they do not know what to do and thus hide.
It is why they just go along to get along. What can I do is the mantra. And of course if they get their information from the media they are placated. If a man/woman does not know ... then he/she does not have to be responsible for doing something about it.
We live in an age of distraction, instant gratification, and constant entertainment. When not working they choose to play. MO God help us in our day, in Jesus name, amen.
We are not to talk politics at gatherings, or the office, or at church, . We tend to be squelchwed by political correctness.
We are to remember Alinsky’s adherents praise, Hitler, Stalin, etc. ... and say they were not dedicated enough to make it last.
God help us in our day, in Jesus name, amen.
Personally I’ve been trying to get the word out for a dozen years about how the Black Caucus were members of the DSA. no one listens defiant. Have a thread dedicated to it here:
About the first 25 posts dedicated to it, check it it is an eyeopener, Starwise first posted this there, we got dibbs on her -g-