One day while talking to someone I thought was conservative, realized he was a Ron Paul supporter. But before he could tell me, I just said, “People who support a 3rd party candidate are really just supporting the opposing party. There is a time for 3rd party candidates, but when the stakes are so high for America, people need to be smart about it.” To this he just walked away.
People talk about NC turning blue for Obama.
The margin of difference between Obama and Juan was less than 25,000. 25,000 people in this state voted for Barr.
I’ll bet none of them are happy with what Obama is doing.
Ron Paul supporters need to realize that beating the opposition must always be the first step to getting the government we want. First, they lose and we win. Second, we push our people to do the right thing. Third, we run primary opponents against anyone who won’t do the right thing. Then - according to the underpants gnomes on South Park - profit!