As an side note, one of the first questions in the questionnaire you have to fill out to get a security clearance is, "are you now or have you ever been a member of the 'SDS'", and "do you know anyone who is now or has ever been a member of the 'SDS'".
Nobody in this administration can answer "no" to those questions and would be barred from getting a security clearance which is why the 0bama administration is not allowing the FBI to vet members of his administration and is "doing it from the White House".
Our Country has been overthrown by communist with almost no resistance.
I am one of those that was yelling. In fact, we put up a blog Democrats for Sale that we quit posting on because of the contact of Frank Davis’ son when we said his Father was a communist. Someone in the campaign said we should quit posting and let the facts stand for themselves.
Now we are not involved with any campaign and intend to shout even louder on the site.
Most of the MIA media were willing participants and agreed with what Obama was doing.