Avast! Free edition
Spybot (free)
malwarebytes (free)
Ad-Aware (free)
If all else fails then google "HijackThis" or visit this forum and follow the instructions to get a real human volunteer to help you fix this for free.
Viruses, trojans, malware, etc. can be virtually eliminated and virtually always cured using these free precautions and solutions. They work for me.
Check to see if the warning say “Personal Anti-Virus” if so it is a scam.
Eset Nod32
I use a free anti-virus... Avast! it is great. Bare bones but works marvelous.
Don’t switch to Norton’s. We installed a boat load of Norton’s stuff (wasn’t my idea) and within the week the computer was code blue. It was in the shop for a month. It still has some Norton junk on it (again, not my idea) and still isn’t working like it should.
Oh, and Norton’s didn’t send us the advertised rebate claiming we didn’t send them a copy of page one in our old virus program. I did. So, not only are we out a repair bill but no lousy rebate on their crappy product.
I use a free anti-virus... Avast! it is great. Bare bones but works marvelous.
definitely spybot for starters.
First and foremost, disconnect your machine from the internet. If you are infected, you’re only making yourself MORE infected.
Next, get a thumb drive or USB hard disk, go to a non-infected machine and download MalwareBytes, HiJackThis, and some free antivirus program. MalwareBytes and HiJackThis are available from download.com.
Next, boot the infected machine into Windows safe mode (Hit F8 when the machine first starts up and don’t take your finger off the button until you get a screen with numerous text boot options. Cursor up to Safe Mode and hit enter.
When in safe mode, plug in the thumb drive or USB disk with the programs and install them one at a time. Start with MalwareBytes and let it do a full run at the machine. It will try to clean, but it may not be able to get everything. Make notes as to which files are infected to check later.
Once complete, run the anti-virus. Make notes of the files infected and the virus they’re infected with.
Finally, run HiJackThis and save a copy of the log (it’s an option you’ll see) and put it out on bleepingcomputer.com forums. They’ll tell you what you should remove, and then delete the files off of the hard disk that were identified in the previous scans.
Reboot the machine into Safe Mode again, run it all over again until you get no infections found. DO NOT PLUG THE MACHINE INTO THE NETWORK YET! Reboot into full Windows, run the scanners again.
Please note that this could take several hours. Viruses, esp. trojans, can be VERY hard to get rid of. Have patience.
When this happens to me I bite the bullet and reformat the hard drive. I save all my data files to a back up and then reinstall windows. It usually takes a whole weekend to reload all the software and all the hardware drivers, but it’s worth it.
I got the same (or a very similar) notice yesterday via what looked like a pop-up. But the warning was 100% fake.
Now if I had clicked on the link in that pop-up, I might have contracted a REAL virus. But I immediately closed my browser and ran a Norton scan — thankfully with no problems found.
Bookmark. It’s always good to read the latest on anti-virus tactics.
Kaspersky !
Look for the Bleepingcomputer URL about 1/4 down the page for the download link. have a good day.
Mark for anti-virus advice!!!
Malwarebytes, mentioned above is a good scrubber. Haven’t had much luck with McAfee. Kaspersky anti-virus is the best out there, IMHO.