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I have recently been bringing this debate over Obama's U.S. citizenship over at Talking Points Memo. Needles to say, I have received some heat for my efforts. But I have received an interesting response. One that I have been unable to get around. I hope I can find some answers here.

You see, according to the Immigration and naturalization Act of 1952, the controlling legal entity at the time, Obama was a U.S. citizen simply by virtue of his mother being a U.S. citizen.

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, section 349 (a), provided:

"From and after the effective date of this Act a person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by -- (1) obtaining naturalization in a foreign state upon his own application, upon an application filed in his behalf by a parent, or duly authorized agent, or through the naturalization of a parent having legal custody of such person: Provided, That nationality shall not be lost by any person under this section as the result of the naturalization of a parent or parents while such person is under the age of twenty-one years, or as the result of naturalization obtained on behalf of a person under twenty-one years of age by a parent, guardian, or duly authorized agent, unless such person shall fail to enter the United States to establish a permanent residence prior to his twenty-fifth birthday: ...."

Section 355 of that Act provided that:

"A person having United States nationality, who is under the age of twenty-one and whose residence is in a foreign state with or under the legal custody of a parent who hereafter loses United States nationality under section 350 or 352 of this title, shall also lose his United States nationality if such person has or acquires the nationality of such foreign state: Provided, That, in such case, United States nationality shall not be lost as the result of loss of United States nationality by the parent unless and until the person attains the age of twenty-five years without having established his residence in the United States."

1952 Immigration and Nationality Act, Title III, Chapter 3.

Given that Obama returned to the U.S., and established permanent residency there, long before he was either 23 or 25, this distinction is rather irrelevant.

According to what I am reading here, Obama is a U.S. citizen.

Any comments that will address this point?

ex animo davidfarrar

1 posted on 06/14/2009 9:58:45 PM PDT by DavidFarrar
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Either of these freepers should be able to help you.

2 posted on 06/14/2009 10:04:27 PM PDT by hoosiermama (Hey hey! Ho ho! Where's your Birth Certificate/ We've a right to know!)
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To: DavidFarrar

sigh..... newbie, but at least an open-minded newbie.

There is no doubt that the Usurper is a US Citizen.

that is not the issue. What is at issue is if he is a natural born citizen. And the only way that can be is if he was born on US soil.

and the only way to prove that is his ORIGINAL long form BC. he has released a short form COLB, but strangely and suspiciously, has sealed his long form.

His supporters insist that the COLB is good enough. So if there is nothing to hide, then why hide the original long form? Why pay thousands of dollars in legal fees to keep it sealed?

Given that, among other evidence, I strongly suspect that he is not a natural born citizen.

3 posted on 06/14/2009 10:06:04 PM PDT by DecentAmerican
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To: DavidFarrar

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a citizen. He cannot be president.

4 posted on 06/14/2009 10:06:45 PM PDT by kik5150
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To: DavidFarrar


None of the cretins at FR have ever read the Constitution and you googled it and got the answer. Have you thought of applying for the Mensa society?

In your investigation did parse the section about the difference between Naturalized Citizens and Natural Citizens? Get at least that far before you post.

What is your DU screen name?

7 posted on 06/14/2009 10:21:35 PM PDT by When do we get liberated? (They must think we are stupid. They want to be green, I want to be gault.)
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To: DavidFarrar
There is only one thing that truly matters in the birth certificate issue. Whether or not ANY court will hear any of the cases. Thus far, the answer has been a resounding NO. Those on the "kenyan/muslim/usurper" side need no convincing.

I think he might be hiding something, but I simply cannot believe that Hillary would have given up the presidency if there was any chance whatsoever he was born in Kenya. I have also heard that he has spent millions on lawyers fighting this, but that number seems to be randomly thrown out and without any evidence. As far as I can tell, he hasnt needed much for lawyers because no court will take the case.

The issue wont go away because some people passionately believe he is a foreigner. I am not convinced either way, but the whole issue is moot without a court case.

11 posted on 06/14/2009 10:28:59 PM PDT by douginthearmy (Until I get the proper order at the drive-thru, the unemployment rate is too LOW!)
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To: DavidFarrar
You see, according to the Immigration and naturalization Act of 1952, the controlling legal entity at the time, Obama was a U.S. citizen simply by virtue of his mother being a U.S. citizen.

Not Correct. You've been BS'd. The law at the time until 1986 is that the mother had to be at least 19 to pass on US citizenship to her offspring, IF the baby was born overseas. Obama mother was a minor and not 19 at the time Obama was born, therefore she could not pass on US citizenship. Obama would have to be naturalized to become a US citizen. Did that happen?

Obviously, if Obama was naturalized, you cannot be a natural born citizen. And if this was correct, it's not, being born overseas on foreign soil, Obama received US citizenship through statute. Again receiving citizenship through a law passed by Congress does NOt make a person a Natural Born Citizenship.

12 posted on 06/14/2009 10:29:30 PM PDT by Red Steel
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To: DavidFarrar
A detroit radio station called the Kenyan embassy after the election of Obama. After a a few minutes they get through to the ambassador of Kenya.

The ambassador of Kenya says that obama was born in Kenya and that his birth place has become a national shrine.

Listen to the recording here

The quote is around 12:35, so if you don’t have time to listen to the whole thing, you can jump ahead.
The transcript reads:

Radio Jockey: President elect Obama's birth place over in Kenya -- is that going to be a national spot where he was born

Ambassador Peter Ogego: its already an attraction. his paternal grandmother is still alive

Radio Jockey:But his birth place...they'll put up a marker there

Ambassdor Peter Ogego: It would depend on the government. Its already well known.

Here is an abridged Utube version of the the radio interview. So you can hear just the relevant parts.

It can be reasonably pointed out that the DJ was trying to entrap the Ambassador and that the Ambassador fell into his trap.
However, if you listen to the long version of the radio interview --you’ll notice he used the same strategy on two different occasions and the ambassador gently brushed him off.

First, he tried to force the ambassador to sing the Kenyan national anthem. The ambassador referred him to the kenyan website.

Second he tried to push the ambassador into saying something about maybe Kenya becoming the 51st state. Again the ambassador said that Kenya was a sovereign country. ie No.

He used the same technique on the question of Obama’s birth place. This time the ambassador did not brush him off. Rather in answer to the question as to whether Obama was born in Kenya --he says "It is well known."

Because the ambassador answered no in the two previous examples -- you can't say that the ambassdor was either a fool or ill advised.

Finally, you might ask well doesn't he know that saying Obama is born in Kenya would make trouble for Obama? The answer there is why should he be concerned? He has heard no suggestion in the mainstream media that there might be a problem there. So to say what is already well known--as he says--would be no problem.

Here is a utube video of Ambassador Peter Ogego speaking at a conference. Ambassador of Kenya H.E. Peter Ogego To verify that the voice on the radio is Ambassador Ogego-- compare the radio voice with the DJ to the voice on the Utube that goes with Ambassador Ogego. Ambassador Peter Ogego is introduced a bit after minute 18..

They are the same.

Subsequently, the Kenyan ambassador said that he meant Obama's father was born in Kenya. However, when pressed about Obama's birth place:

"I don't know," he said with a tone of irritation. "You should ask your government. I know his father is Kenyan."

However, that's not what the original transcript suggests. clear="all" /> Finally, there is a Affidavit of Bishop Ron McRae which is part of the Berg case. The Bishop says pretty much the same thing as the Ambassador.

"Additionally, it is common knowledge throughout both the Christian and Muslim communities in Kenya, that contrary to news media propaganda here in the United States, US Senator Barack Obama is a Muslim and not a Christian, and that he was born in Mombasa, Kenya and not in the State of Hawaii as falsely purported by the Obama campaign for presidency of the United States."

While you cannot impeach the ambassador's character, you can impeach McCrae's character. After all, he's just an itinerant preacher. But McCrae has been to Kenya. Still that makes two people who say that it is common knowledge in Kenya that Obama was born in Kenya.
Then of course there is a video of Obama's grandmother saying that Obama is born in Kenya
There is a case to be made that Obama mother didn't mean Obama was born in Kenya but rather that he is a "son of this village". However, witnesses insist that she said she was present at obama's birth in Kenya. If taken alone, perhaps she could well be ignored. However, her take is in keeping with others both high and low.

Again here is a pdf transcript of Kenyan National Assembly on Nov 5, 2008, the day after Obama was elected. Over and over again there are references to Obama being a "son of the soil" of Kenya and a Kenyan. On page page 3275 there is this passage:


Ms. Odhiambo: On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. It is not on this issue. I stand on a point of order under Standing Order No.20 to seek leave for adjournment of the House to discuss the American presidential election results.


Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the President-elect, Mr. Obama, is a son of the soil of this country. Every other country in this continent is celebrating the Obama win. It is only proper and fitting that the country which he originates from should show the same excitement, pomp and colour.

Again. It is not the one thing. Rather it is the tide.

The American Thinker explains here why the short form that Obama released is not sufficient for Hawaii. The Obama administration could put this to rest by releasing his long form birth certificate. But he doesn't. Instead of just releasing his long form birth certificate he has paid his lawyers over 1 million dollars from campaign contributions since Sept 08 to squash the suits brought on the issue. Why bother. The Arnold would have run for president long ago and likely won if he were a "natural born" american. He's not. He's naturalized. So he can't run. And he knows it. (though there were some trial balloons sent up a couple years back about changing the law--that went nowhere.)

Like the Arnold, Obama looks to be a naturalized citizen--but maybe he's not even that. Here's a footnoted timeline of obama's life 1961-2008. Its especially helpful to look at 1961 and 2008. Of interest is this: Interesting timeline with footnotes of obama's life.

of note

On April 10, 2008 Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) introduces Senate Resolution S. Res. 511 to “recognize that John Sidney McCain is a natural born citizen.” The resolution is allegedly meant to clarify that McCain is eligible to be President even though he was born in Panama. Because McCain’s parents were both Americans and he was born in Panama because his father was stationed there while in the military, existing law already covers McCain and he is eligible to be President. McCaskill’s resolution thus serves no purpose – except that language is included to try and provide a “blanket cover” for other foreign born candidates without military backgrounds, in order to enable Obama to be eligible to be President. This is the language that Obama inserted “Whereas previous presidential candidates were born outside of the United States of America and were understood to be eligible to be President;” This Clause has no particular relevance to McCain [The language is inserted by Obama.][301,303]


303 #
13 posted on 06/14/2009 10:32:26 PM PDT by ckilmer (Phi)
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To: DavidFarrar
Here is Gov (commerce secretary elect)Bill Richardson saying in Spanish that Obama is an "immigrant." (So he understands understands "immigrant" issues.)The context suggests that by "immigrant" bill richardson means "illegal immigrant"

Here in plain English is the Kenyan Ambassador saying that Obama is born in Kenya.

Obama's own flacks deny that obama was born in Kenya but do acknowledge that he had a dual citizenship up until 1982

from obama's own site by way of fightthesmears on his dual citizenship at birth

“When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.

Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.”
Someone will want to cache the above web page because it will be taken down eventually.
It is well established that Obama did travel to Indonesia and Pakistan in 1981. In a tape of his speech at this April 6, 2008 San Francisco Fundraiser, Obama discloses his trip to Pakistan (40:17) when he was in college. On what passport did he travel?

A last arguement for baraks people might be that of course the Kenyans would have an interest in claiming that obama was a "son of the soil" both as a matter of pride and as a matter of bucks coming their way. However, if Obama was not born in Kenya -- then why wouldn't Obama release his original long form birth certificate. Instead of just releasing his long form birth certificate he has paid his lawyers 1 million dollars from campaign contributions since Sept 08 to squash the suits brought on the issue. On top of that according to the LA Times since the election -- the Kenyans feel that Obama has gone out of his way to snub/ignore/distance-himself them. The Kenyans are putting up reasons like perhaps they are insufficiently perfected for him to notice them--but here in the USA we have seen Obama throw a number of embarrasing people from his past under the bus. Exactly What IS a Natural Born Citizen?

The thing has become a joke in washington. dJoe Biden Joked at the Gridiron Dinner in March 09.

After mentioning one of the Republican speakers for the evening, Arnold Schwarzenegger, was born in Austria and that one of the Democratic speakers, Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, was born in Canada, Biden chortled: "Folks, this is going to be Lou Dobbs' worst nightmare. "

From there, Biden transitioned to the birth certificate controversy.

Les Kinsolving asked the Presidential Press Secretary Gibbs to release the long form birth certificate. The press secretary suggested mockingly that the copy of the short form birth certificate supplied online is Obama's long form birth certificate. Not so. See the press conference out take here.

The White House 'dialogue' site has to be scrubbed regularly because of long form birth certificate eligibility posts. Rush Limbaugh joked several times on his radio show on 6/10/09: "What do God and Obama have in commen? (Answer) Neither have birth certificates."
14 posted on 06/14/2009 10:33:28 PM PDT by ckilmer (Phi)
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To: DavidFarrar

“Needles to say”

A new FreeRepublic classic?


16 posted on 06/14/2009 10:37:10 PM PDT by BuckeyeTexan
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To: DavidFarrar
All King Zer0 has to do is one thing that he so far has inexplicably refused to do - at great expense:

39 posted on 06/15/2009 1:47:01 AM PDT by Bon mots
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To: DavidFarrar

What is the name of the doctor who deliver Obama?

40 posted on 06/15/2009 1:52:40 AM PDT by FTJM
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To: DavidFarrar
Obama was a U.S. citizen simply by virtue of his mother being a U.S. citizen.

No one is claiming that Obama is not a citizen.

The claim is that he is not a "natural born" citizen. There is a difference.

Natural Born Citizen -- The Law

47 posted on 06/15/2009 4:07:19 AM PDT by Beckwith (A "natural born citizen" -- two American citizen parents and born in the USA.)
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To: DavidFarrar

If he even ever had it, Obama lost natural born citizenship when his citizenship was changed to Indonesia. It had to be changed to Indonesia in order for him to school there.

55 posted on 06/15/2009 5:07:29 PM PDT by real_patriotic_american
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To: DavidFarrar

My Hubby is a U.S. citizen, but he can’t be president. I’m a natural-born U.S. citizen, and I can.

56 posted on 06/15/2009 6:11:18 PM PDT by TheOldLady
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To: DavidFarrar
David, several errors keep being repeated without being addressed ... if you want the truth that is.

The supposed docuemtn with seal displayed by factcheck is a forgery because of several items, not the least of which is the forger used the wrong year seal to fabricate the document, so the seal does not agree with the year on the document.

Also, several of the obamnoid apolists keep conflating 'citizen' with 'natural bor citizen'. Frankly, Obama has not proven he is actually a citizen, as you noting in the initial essay! If he used an Inodnesian passport to travel when he was eighteen or nineteen, he displayed dividied loyalties or fraud in doing so or after obtaining the passport since he now tries to proclaim himself a natural birn citizen.

And finally, it is not just the absence of ANY PROOF of his birth location, etc., he has spent more than amillion on an armyu of people tasked with hiding all relevent history of his life! It isn't just his stubbornly not proving that he is a natural born citizen, it is the mountain of deceit and stealth he has to employ to continue the charade of his fabricated life!

Your blogsite has comments from a few professional dissemblers and a few comments from average citizens who want desperately to believe this affirmative action figure liar-in-chief is legitimate.

Barry Soetoro, aka Barry Dunham, aka Barry Obama, aka Barack Hussein Obama is not legitimate, not honest, and he will do anything to prevent the truth from being exposed about hima nd his history. He lied on his application to the IL Bar Assoc so we may be absolutely certain he lies boldly. He has lied throughout the life he has maintained with the public. But the democrap party worships this lair-in-chief even more than they worshipped the degenerate sinkEmperor clintoon.

58 posted on 06/15/2009 6:43:48 PM PDT by MHGinTN (Believing they cannot be deceived, they cannot be convinced when they are deceived.)
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To: DavidFarrar

1. Obama admits he was a British citizen at birth on his website.
2. Anne Dunham had not sufficient residency in the U.S. and wasn’t of sufficient age to confer U.S. citizenship on Barack at his birth in 1961.
3. If he was, in fact, born in Hawaii in 1961, he was a British citizen only, and only under British jurisdiction as a visitor to Hawaii.
4. In 1961 the U.S. did not permit dual citizenship. So even had his mother been of sufficient age and U.S. residency, he could not have gained U.S. citizenship by a Hawaiian birth through her. His Certificate of Live Birth could not grant citizenship to a British national.
5. As with any parents who are foreign nationals giving birth in the U.S., and “not under the juridiction thereof”, Obama would have to return to the U.S. and undergo the naturalization process, and sign a written citizenship oath to gain U.S. citizenship for the first time. This is exactly what happens to the children of foreign tourists whose children claim citizenship under the 14th Amendment birthright. Citizenship under these circumstances does not consti tute being “natural born”.
Therefore, Obama was never a U.S. citizen as a minor, could only become one by naturalization, and if he has not done so, he is an illegal alien like his half-aunt from Kenya.
From Phil at: et al vs. Obama & Congress et al  page 18.
Obama May Be An Illegal Alien

79. There exists a possibility that Obama could be an illegal alien.
80. Obama has yet to adequately prove that he was born in the United States.
81. Obama has publicly conceded that his father was born in Kenya and a British subject/citizen at the time of Obama’s birth which precluded Obama from gaining any U.S. citizenship from his father at the time of his birth.
82. At the time of his birth in 1961, under the applicable statute Obama also could not gain U.S. citizenship from his U.S. citizen mother due to her being only 18 years old at the time of his birth. ENDNOTE 15.
83. There also exists the possibility that if Obama had U.S. citizenship at birth, he lost that citizenship when his mother’s second husband, Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian citizen, adopted/acknowledged him as his son and along with his mother took him to live in Indonesia and when he later traveled as a foreign citizen with a foreign pas sport to Pakistan after the age of majority (18) when he was approximately 20.

ENDNOTE 15: A child born in wedlock and abroad to one U.S. citizen parent and one alien parent acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under Section 301(g) INA, provided the citizen parent was physically present in the U.S. for the time period required by the law applicable at the time of the childs birth. (For birth on or after November 14, 1986, a period of five years physical presence, two after the age of fourteen is required. For birth between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986, a period of ten years, five after the age of fourteen are required for physical presence in the U.S. to transmit U.S. citizenship to the child). Obama’s mother, born on November 29, 1942, was 18 years old when she gave birth to Obama on August 4, 1961. She was 117 days short from being 19 years old. But she had to be at least 19 years old (14 years old plus 5 years of U.S. physical presence) to satisfy the legal requirement of Section 301(g). Hence, if Obama was born in Kenya, under the Fourteenth Amendment, he is neither a U.S. citizen by birth on U.S. soil nor one by naturalization. (There is no existing evidence that Obama was ever naturalized.) Nor would he qualify to be a U.S. citizen by any act of Congress by being born abroad to a U.S. citizen parent. If this scenario were proven to be true, it can be reasonably argued that Obama is an illegal alien.
The full docu ment can be viewed at:
More at:

59 posted on 06/15/2009 9:31:23 PM PDT by Art in Idaho
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To: DavidFarrar; null and void; Beckwith; stockpirate; pissant; PhilDragoo; Candor7; MeekOneGOP; ...
I'm sure that others have said the following,but Obama would be a US citizen at birth ONLY if he was actually born on US soil.

TO date, there is no proof that Obama was born anywhere on US soil. Consequently, the law in effect at the time of Obama's birth, state's that if the mother is under 18 at the time of Barack's birth -- which Stanley Ann Dunham was -- and the father was not a US citizen -- which Obama Sr. was not -- then US citizenship WOULD NOT automatically pass from the mother to the child -- which it didn't.

In this instance, Obama had to go through immigration to be naturalized, and there is no evidence that he did.

But, the bottom line is that Obama STILL would NOT be a natural-born US citizen.only a child born on US soil, for whom both parents are US citizens, can become President.

On the other hand, Obama illicitly gained the office of President through deceit, document fraud, voter fraud, and obstruction of justice, and on top of that, his latest criminal act of firing an independent Inspector General, should earn him immediate impeachment

Last October, I spoke directly with Hawaii's State Registrar and head of Vital Records, Dr. Alvin Onaka, about an image showing what is called a, "Certification of Live Birth," or COLB and he confirmed what my research proved: that Obama's COLB, dated June 6,2007, was never released to anyone by the State of Hawaii. It is a forgery made to look like a nonexistent document.

What Press Secretary Gibbs affirmed to the world is that Obama and his associates committed felony document fraud by creating and proffering a false identification document in violation of Chapter 18 of the United States Code, Section 1028, Fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents, authentication features, and information:

The term "false identification document" means a document of a type intended or commonly accepted for the purposes of identification of individuals that - is not issued by or under the authority of a governmental entity or was issued under the authority of a governmental entity but was subsequently altered for purposes of deceit.

By creating this forgery and passing it off as real, Obama violated both Federal and Hawaiian forgery laws. Additionally, since this Internet image was seen nationwide and was used in conjunction with soliciting campaign contributions, this is also a blatant instance of Internet fraud, and Obama is guilty of Internet fraud in all 50 states as well as nbeing in violation of FEC laws.

The intent of this forgery is clear: to deceive the United States Government, state election officials, American voters, and the national media into believing that Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born citizen. Additionally, this forgery was used to derail legal attempts to secure his original birth certificate -- as Judge Robertson did in the Hollister v. Soetoro case.

Factcheck, an alleged nonpartisan, nonpolitical "fact checking website" is nothing of the sort. They were fully complicit in this birth certificate fraud: their mission was to "validate" the COLB image posted online, and to stave off any and all criticisms of it. Factcheck's staff has no understanding of computer graphics nor do they have anyone else in their organization qualified to certify image as genuine.

Since June 16, 2008, Factcheck has run a disinformation campaign on Obama's "birth certificate” including photographing what was alleged as the "actual paper document.”

Factcheck's ties to Obama run far and wide. They are owned and operated by the Annenberg Foundation, but specifically funded by billionaire George Soros.

This is the same Annenberg Foundation that gave $30 million education grant for the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, to William Ayers, the unrepentant domestic terrorist who bombed the Pentagon and police stations as a member of the "Weatherman Underground."

It was William Ayers who specifically hired a Chicago community organizer, with no executive or managerial experience, whatsoever, to be the Challenge's Chairman of the Board. That person was Barack Hussien Obama, longtime friend of Bill Ayers, who used this appointment to jumpstart his chances to become a credible Presidential candidate.

All last year, when Obama was asked about his associations with Ayers, he flatly denied that he had any, saying that "Ayers was a guy down the street who bombed buildings when I was eight years old."

Therefore, the same charges that need to be brought against Obama and his Campaign staff also need to be leveled at Factcheck for conspiracy to document fraud and Internet fraud, and for proffering a fabricated government document as a genuine, government-issued birth certificate.

Factcheck is Obama's right hand just as the forger is his left hand, and with birth certificate controversy, one hand washed the other for an entire year! When asked for proof of birth, Obama's aides pointed to Factcheck. When Factcheck was asked any questions about Obama's birth certificate, they pointed to Obama's aides.

If I were a lawyer, the Defendants I'd name would begin with Obama's Campaign staffers, specifically Tommy Vietor and Shaun Daly (who are now working in the Obama Administration), Factcheck, Politifact (Factcheck's sister site), and the Department of Health, Government of Hawaii.

I've told that repeatedly to every single person who has filed an eligibility lawsuit whose sole aim is to have Obama release his long-form "vault" birth certificate, and told them, flat-out, that's the wrong strategy!

If you want to catch the big fish, you've got to start with the little fish first. You do not start with the Big Killer Whale. You have got to disrupt the food chain. Just as the FBI did with the mafia, and then Al-Qaeda.

Once you've disrupted the big fish's food supply, you take away what keeps the the big fish going.

69 posted on 06/16/2009 2:21:49 PM PDT by Polarik (It's the forgery, Stupid!)
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To: DavidFarrar

The reason the topic of birth certificates won’t go away, and is bubbling up in the media again - here is a clip that still holds true today, since Hawaii in 1961 did give out COLBs (certificates of live birth) to foreign born babies up to two years old and also since one needs two US citizen parents as well as to be born on US soil. Very well researched...

This info and comments came from a high level law enforcement officer in Honolulu so I know it is genuine.

117 posted on 06/17/2009 9:56:15 AM PDT by Neoliberalnot ((Freedom's Precious Metals: Gold, Silver and Lead))
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To: DavidFarrar

These are things ambiguous enough that a public hearing should be held, both as to facts and interpretation of law.

123 posted on 06/17/2009 11:06:23 AM PDT by bvw
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To: DavidFarrar; a fool in paradise

Why do I hate Albania?

139 posted on 06/17/2009 7:09:59 PM PDT by Revolting cat! (Let us prey!)
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