I’ve got three grown children. 28, 30 and 32. They all went to public schools, did well in their classes and went on to private colleges. 2 out of 3 graduated college.
They all voted Obama. As far as I know, they are still Obama cheerleaders. I don’t talk to them about it.
Wife and I adopted her granddaughter, who will turn 1 year old a week from tomorrow, June 22. She will NEVER attend US public schools.
Yes, Obama received a mojority of the college-educated vote. This is a problem as most US colleges and universities are merely tools of the Left where they disseminate their socialis/communist propaganda.
I believe that if you cannot send your child to a college or university where you are sure he/she will not be indoctrinated with Leftist ideology, you should not send your child to university.
Good for you. Give her a thinking brain, strong teeth and sharp claws. That’ll serve her well in the coming fight.