Not yet decided? Why not? The question is not that difficult.
Seriously, if abortion is
“a hard decision” or “a morally difficult decision”
it is only so because of the destruction of human life.
And if you don’t fall on the side of preserving that life, you’re immoral.
People stuck in their own heads can’t answer the question. This includes notable philosophers. It’s ultimately a matter of how much you care about people, not so much about pure reason.
“The question is not that difficult.”
It is for those raised in an ambiguous world. as are most educated in today’s public school without receiving strong family articulation of life’s value at home.
Why is it that only a week ago we were celebrating poll shifts in favor of the pro-life position? If everything were black and white, polls wouldn’t shift.
I would remind those who to any extent condone the murder of Dr. Tiller that the biggest public relations coup in the history of the pro-life movement came through a minister who pursuaded Norma McCarvey to a pro-life position. He didn’t shoot her. Conversely, the murders of abortionists set the movement back each and every time.