Posted on 05/25/2009 6:09:50 PM PDT by fiscon1
This is chart of ACORN's hierarchy.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, the top of the power structure of ACORN is its Executive Committee. The head of this committee is Maude Hurd. The Executive Committee is much like the Board of Directors in a corporation. Much like with many corporations, the Executive Committee is made up mostly of folks that rarely challenge the upper level management. In the case of ACORN, the Executive Committee is mostly made up true believers and life long members of ACORN. These are folks with years of experience on "the ground". In other words, these are folks that were the ones signing up new voters, knocking on doors, working with churches and whatever other grass roots campaigns that ACORN might have had.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Have you been following the “research” into Acorn being done by FOX news?
Pretty amazing stuff. The fact that the media is looking the other way makes it frightening.
Sounds familiar. Sleeper cells and all.
Yes, some.
This investigation must stopped is being unfair and maybe even racist to require these people to explain what is happening with our tax money. Afterall, aren't they now eligible for $8 billion more?
We have no right to suspect these kind, helping people just because all of them vote for Democrats.
ACORN ping
Have been following acorn activities for the last few election cycles. It seems that ACORN is as difficult to hold accountable for their actions as AL Capone was......Come to think of it.....we may be dealing with the mob and need to have the IRS look at the tax angle.
BOR is going to do a major expose tomorrow.
Now that they’ve gone multi national they’ve become even more dangerous but it could also be a weakness.
WOW! I was just thinking that tonite when I watched the replay of Beck on O’Reilly - ACORN is like a bunch of “loosly knit groups” just like “sleeper cells”.
These people are really scary.
Holy cow! I don’t know how I just did that. Apologies all around. I’ll get this FR posting system figured out someday, but obviously not this day.
You can ask the monitor to remove an unwanted post by hitting the abuse button, and explaining the mistake....They’re usually quite nice about such things.
The link “This is chart of ACORN’s hierarchy” is broken. Is there a good link somewhere?
ACORN should be RICO’d! Instead they are getting more powerful and NOTHING will happen to them because they are BLACK DEMOCRATS!!
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