The U.S. House of Representatives has approved a plan to set up a new “volunteer corps” and consider whether “a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people” should be developed.
Are all the Representatives illegalaliens that donot understand ENGLISH?
How does “voluntary service” equate to mandatory service?
Have all the Representaives become MORONS overnight? I thought there were a couple that were not complete idiots around........
"You vill volundteer, und you vill like it. Ve have vays to make you like it!"
I smoked both my rep’s (McMorris, WA-5) local and DC Offices, as well as the County, State, and National GOP organs.
No more support, period. Not no way, not no how.
Not only NO, but HELL NO!
And now I’m tracking down a rumor that she saw it as “an extension of her NO vote on the bailout and stimulus bills”
Either too f’in stooopid, or too f’in dangerous...
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