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1 posted on 02/15/2009 4:29:19 PM PST by ElKafir
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To: ElKafir

Thanks for the heads up, I know who they are but I never frequented their sight. So not only shall I continue to do that. I’ll advise others I know to do the same.

2 posted on 02/15/2009 4:33:38 PM PST by Tempest (Greed is putting money before PEOPLE.)
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To: ElKafir

Yet another blog pimp!

3 posted on 02/15/2009 4:35:08 PM PST by indcons (An eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth.)
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To: ElKafir

I hadn’t been around LGF for a while but this is surprising.

4 posted on 02/15/2009 4:36:01 PM PST by darkangel82 (I don't have a superiority complex, I'm just better than you.)
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To: ElKafir
I gave up on the site months ago.
5 posted on 02/15/2009 4:38:25 PM PST by Mojave (Don't blame me. I voted for McClintock.)
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To: ElKafir

I just bookmarked LGF a couple of weeks ago and was surprised to find so many anti-ID posts on there. I was wondering if this was a regular occurrence over the years I have heard about it or simply something new. I can handle the diversity (ugh) of opinion, but it seems to dominate the blog...JFK

9 posted on 02/15/2009 4:46:58 PM PST by BADROTOFINGER (Life sucks. Get a helmet.)
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To: ElKafir

—Complete Article —

To LGF’s Charles Johnson: You Lost It, Pal!

I am really saddened and disappointed with what is going on these days at Little Green Footballs, one of my favorite places to hang around-until today.
The anti-Christian crusade started by Charles Johnson took proportions I would have never ever dreamed in my worst nightmares.

But let me make it clear first: I am not one of those “Bible thumping Christian fanatics” Charles seems to be so scared of. I was brought up as a Greek Orthodox Christian, which is one of the least militant and apolitic branches of Christianity to start with. On top of that, I am not a church goer; the only occasions I attend organized religious services are pretty much what people who are 100% atheists would be present for in a church: weddings and funeral services. I believe the evolution theory is true - for what us ignorant humans assume to be true at this moment when we still are in the infancy of our civilization and we are a long way to understand who we really are and where we are going from now on.
So if you read this blog entry my dear Charles, I just want to let you know that I am probably less “Christian fundamentalist” than 90% of the people visiting LGF.

Well, starting today I am no longer welcomed at LGF. Charles Johnson banned me for the following comment I wrote on one of his blog entries in which he is doing what it seems to lately become an obsession for him: mocking Christians and ridiculing whoever isn’t an enlightened atheist like him on a daily basis. Here is the ONLY ONE AND ONLY comment I wrote on LGF since last August, posted today on one of Charles’ daily Christian bash-fest :

Post #462

Mocking, ridiculing and alienating our (Christian) allies when Islamonazi appeasing socialists control the White House, the Legislative, the Executive and 95% of the media.
Unity is what we need most, yet we are tearing each other apart.
Not smart. Not good.

Koskooks and DU-ers must be filled with joy reading these posts.

This was an appeal to get over the atheist-Christian dividing and bickering for which we Conservatives have no need today when Obama and his socialist thugs are in process of “changing” America.

Well, that was my last post at LGF; not five minutes later, my account was disabled.

But that’s not all: Charles went a few extra steps ahead to smear me. At first he posted this reply:


I should have blocked your sorry ass when you posted comments calling for the mass deportation of Muslims from America, and to amend the Constitution to strip them of citizenship.

That mistake is now remedied.

What the hell are you talking about, Charles? When and where did I said or wrote any of that? Did you just lost your fucking mind or are you just the biggest liar on the Blogosphere?

But that wasn’t enought for him: just a couple of minutes later he continued with another lie posting this garbage about what I supposedly replied to the criticism of another LGF-er, but he deleted “just in time” (how convenient is that?):

Post #479

This is the deleted comment by ‘ElKafir’ I’m referring to, and it wasn’t the first:

We must separate ourselves from this cancer of civilization called Islam.

Mass deportations. Start with the non-citizens. Then continue with the naturalized and US born or converted muslims. Declare Islam a threat to the very existance of the Republic and its Constitution (afterall, in Islam the only accepted law is the Sharia and muslims everywhere in the world are taught their first duty is to obey the Islamic law and only after that to obey the laws of the countries they live in - with the condition those laws aren’t contradicting the Islamic laws).

Amend the Constitution, strip them all of citizenship, offer them the chance to become apostates and remain here in the civilized world or deport them if they refuse.

Make conversion and preaching Islam a crime punished either by life in prison or deportation. That would be a humaine measure when compared with the punishment for renouncing Islam in most islamic countries is death by decapitation.

Charles, my boy...I don’t know how to say this to you lost your mind. You are nucking futs. Everyone who reads my little insignificant blog knows what I stand for, what I am all about and most importantly knows that I never, ever posted this kind of garbage, nor did I ever intend to post something like that. Furthermore, I strongly disagree and condemn the type of rethoric you are atributing to me.

Let me thell you something about me, young man: I lived the first half of my life under one of the darkest, most repressive communist tyrannies in Eastern Europe. By coming to the US I hoped to live the last half in a free country, as a free citizen, not a slave of the State. As a naturalized citizen myself I believe that one of the things that makes America great is the melting pot of people of different ethnies, backgrounds and religions (yes, even Muslims - does that surprise you?).

In the first 35 years of my life I’ve seen political, ethnic and religious persecution; I have seen statism, dictature, opression, propaganda and lies raised to the rank of official State policy with my own eyes. But not only I have seen it seen it Charles, I lived it. And when I was sick enough of it, just like like many of my fellow ex co-citizens I took up arms and sent the piece of shit communist dictator together with his butt-ugly and evil wife to hell.

So your pathetic attempt to smear me as a religious bigot and a promoter of genocide against tens of millions Muslims (who by no will of their own, but simply by birth have been brought up and raised as Muslims) it is pathetic to say the least. You Charles are a bloody liar and deceiver. You may have a huge following today and feel at the top of your game but there is something you need to know my boy: nothing that stands on lies and deceit lasts for long. And the higher you climb on the ladder, the most spectacular the fall.

Enjoy your fame Charles. While it lasts.

UPDATE: Just got an email from somebody telling me Charles Johnson recently wrote two smear pieces, one on Robert Spencer from JihadWatch and another one on... Ann Coulter! Can’t tell if it is true since the Master Lizzard put me on his blacklist and I can’t browse LGF anymore. But if that’s the case, I am honored to be in such a select company on the LGF enemies category together with accomplished writers and commentators like Ann and Robert. And that also begs the question: if Ann Coulter and Robert Spencer are his enemies, for what team is Charles Johnson really playing now?

12 posted on 02/15/2009 4:52:43 PM PST by indcons (An eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth.)
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To: ElKafir

On your blog you state that you can’t browse his site. Why don’t you just change your IP address?

14 posted on 02/15/2009 4:57:34 PM PST by diefree
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To: ElKafir

I have surfed LGF regularly since 9/11. The site has and still does provide useful links. However, Johnson is a hateful, dishonest, and ill-motivated man. He despises religion and those who believe. He is poison to conservatism. All who want America to thrive and prosper should beware Charles Johnson.

15 posted on 02/15/2009 4:59:15 PM PST by rogue yam
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To: ElKafir

I can’t get over the name so I never go to LGF. It’s like how I refused to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer for many years due to the name. It turned out to be good and Buffy is cute and the evil slayer is ridiculously hot. Can you please give examples of anti-christian crusade at LGF?

18 posted on 02/15/2009 5:02:50 PM PST by exist
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To: ElKafir

I have to say that I have noticed a change in lgf recently.

For a while there has been a mocking of Intelligent Design, and now we do have an attack on Ann Coulter.

Charles has a history of outstanding contributions to conservative ideals and I am inclined to take a more wait and see attitude. I am less offended than bored by the anti ID stuff over there, and I find myself going to his blog less frequently.

ElKafir’s post was not one of the high points of civility on the internet — could there be something going on behind he scenes?

22 posted on 02/15/2009 5:15:47 PM PST by CurlyDave
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To: ElKafir
I, too, have noticed a shift at LGF over the last few months. They seem to be running articles equally on anti-jihad and anti-ID (creationism) each and every day. Thought that was a little strange. I even found it rather revealing that their anti-ID articles sounded more intolerant and more strident than the jihadist views they had been successfully countering. The jihadists fear the concept of intellectual freedom with energy and hatred. LGF fears the concept of intellectual freedom with just as much energy and hatred when it comes to alternative views that they hold dear. They shed the light of intolerance on the Islamists, yet darken this very light when it comes to their own intolerance of a philosophy other than theirs.

Strange indeed! I have found myself going less and less to LGF simply because evolution has lost any meaning for me years ago. It has nothing to do with my daily life and carries no interest intellectually or any other way. Figured out over 40 years ago that the reason people carry the evolutionary mantra high is because they fear what they would have to do if they carried no such mantra. Their choice. I simply look the other way.

26 posted on 02/15/2009 5:32:57 PM PST by inthaihill (Teaching and loving my Chinese students in Sichuan, China)
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To: ElKafir

LGF has always been a bit of a one trick pony, though a good one I’ll admit. But with the Iraq war as good as won, Mr Johnson is simply realizing that he needs a new trick (or a new pony........)

29 posted on 02/15/2009 5:39:35 PM PST by JoeDetweiler
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To: ElKafir
I stopped going to LGF's when he became obsessed with the whole evolution/intelligent design thing.

Fine, you don't believe in intelligent design -- I get it, now, can we read about something else.

I waited and waited for him to get over it, but he never did and I stopped going to his site. Seems like it is more than intelligent design, but may be a anti-Christian problem that he has. Ah, well.

30 posted on 02/15/2009 5:48:14 PM PST by LibertarianLiz
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To: ElKafir
Indexing RELATED threads:

33 posted on 02/15/2009 6:03:53 PM PST by RonDog
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To: ElKafir
Here is a BETTER picture of Ann, from

34 posted on 02/15/2009 6:07:42 PM PST by RonDog
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To: ElKafir

Besides his anti-jihad efforts, Charles has got two things right: staying away from white supremacist groups and defending evolution.

There are European anti-jihadists that are willing to join with racist groups. It’s a big mistake that will discredit them.

And too many on the right are obsessed with opposing evolution. You see such posts on FR almost hourly. Being anti-science also makes the right look bad. (Please don’t tell me that evolution is religion and ID is science. It’s not. Saying it over and over doesn’t make it so.)

I read LGF daily and will continue to.

37 posted on 02/15/2009 6:24:53 PM PST by NRPM
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To: ElKafir

I was among the earliest readers of LGF soon after 9/11. It was a great site for several years. I witnessed several purges of frequent commenters, and at least two almost complete turnovers of frequent commenters.

I believe Charles was a California liberal before 9/11, and then he took a turn sharp right, at least in terms of the Islamic threat to the US, Israel and the West in general. But I’ve scarcely posted there for almost two years, and now only check the site once or twice a week. The site has become like a small college campus with very restricted admission, and very strict speech codes and strictly enforced adherence to their brand of political correctness.

And, yes, there have been articles this past week that are very critical of Ann Coulter and Robert Spencer. Charles seems to have made it one of his new missions in life to ferret out any and all conservative links to organizations or individuals he considers unacceptable. Only the 100% pure meet his approval now. He’s throwing the unacceptable under the bus faster than Obama did while dumping Reverend Wright, Ayers, his grandma, and others during the campaign.

And this new obsession with creationism and evolution is just bizarre. That is a topic that can be debated, but it’s not as if the future of Western civilization hinges on the outcome of a debate that most care little about.

I only scanned the posts condemning Coulter and Spencer, so I can’t provide many details other than Charles found association of both that he found unacceptable.

41 posted on 02/15/2009 6:48:31 PM PST by Will88
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To: AdmSmith; Berosus; Convert from ECUSA; dervish; Ernest_at_the_Beach; Fred Nerks; justiceseeker93; ..

3 Teens Arrested In Attack On Fullerton Minister
cbs2 | Feb 15, 2009 3:30 pm US/Pacific
Posted on 02/15/2009 4:15:39 PM PST by BenLurkin

44 posted on 02/15/2009 7:59:37 PM PST by SunkenCiv ( Profile updated Monday, January 12, 2009)
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To: ElKafir

That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in a long time. Thanks!

46 posted on 02/15/2009 8:38:34 PM PST by scartech
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