For years, the NFL resisted it, as MLB still does. I can see how if a bad call hurts your team, you're all for instant replay, and if a bad call helped your team, you'd be against it.
For the guardians of the sancticty of the game, a bad call here or there isn't enough to warrant wholesale change, especially if the alleged bad calls didn't affect any of their own favored teams.
However, what happens when the bad call happens in the Super Bowl, and the whole world is watching, and it puts the credibility of the sport at risk?
And what does one say to the argument that, whether past bad calls affected me or not, I was aware of a brewing problem and could have put instant replay in place before a bad call tainted the Super Bowl?
I sense that you are willing to risk the possibility of a future candidate not being eligible, because you think Obama was eligible, and so the system worked this time. I think there were judgement calls made with no instant replay, and that with open borders, free-for-all immigration, and uncontrolled voting, we will have a problem in future elections if we don't close some gaps now.
I’m not worried, I have you and Kevmo watching for me....(chuckle)
with open borders, free-for-all immigration, and uncontrolled voting, we will have a problem in future elections if we don’t close some gaps now.
***Those are the problems that South Africa faced, and did not deal with adequately, thus they lost their own sovereignty.