Doesn’t BroJoe realize that he is a fanatical disciple of the religious teachings of Charles Darwin and his neo-Darwinist co-religionists? Doesn’t BroJoe realize that Darwin’s fanciful creation myth (which sought to explain the entire history of biology) was based on some minor variations between finches, and not a shred of additional evidence? Doesn’t BroJoe realize that Darwin wasn’t even a scientist, but rather a med school dropout whose only earned degree was in theology? Doesn’t BroJoe realize that neo-Darwinism is increasingly becoming an embarrassment and a laughing stock, even among evolutionists? Given the above, one can only wonder at what point in history BroJoe thinks Darwin’s religious movement finally deserved to be called scientific.
Sorry pal, but that's just bunk. As of today, evolution is the only scientific game in town. When you guys can come up with an actual scientific theory to replace it, then I'll take some notice.
By the way, I've mentioned before, you might consider Newton and Einstein. When Einstein overthrew Newton's laws, Einstein's theories did not reject Newton outright. Einstein mearly showed circumstances where Newton's laws don't apply. My guess would be, if there's ANY validity to the anti-evolution argument, it will turn out to be something like that.
What BroJoe realizes or doesn't realize remains to be seen. Perhaps we will find out. Perhaps not.
There is no mention of the Galapagos finches in Origin of Species.