You didnt. You just whined about it. You have asked (about four times) what religion has to contribute in a science classroom.
Im not aware of any rule against asking for change or against describing the situation as it is.
Me neither. Help yourself.
The thread began with a discussion of what is being taught in the classroom. I admit mixing several threads together -- the same people generally post on all evolution threads -- but this thread started with this:
Liberals, who are quite often atheists, have long been in control of our media and our educational institutions, and they fiercely punish anyone who would depart from a vigorous defense of Darwinism...
Since it equates "Darwinists" with atheists, I have to assume that the alternative to evolution is some kind of theistic account.
I think it is reasonable to ask what a theist would teach in biology class that is different from what biologists would teach.