Barak Obama has been declared eligible to be president. None of this natural born nonsense will change this. No court including SCOTUS will change anything. It has been established law for many years that if a child is born here , he is a US citizen and could become president. The natural born crap has to do with the early years when many Americans were born in Britain or in British occupied American. You would be better served to work on 2010 than continue these tortured, useless arguments.
There is no proof that he was born here.
His father, a British subject, was not born here, and Obama acquired British citizenship at birth.
His mother was ineligible to pass along her US citizenship to Obama at birth, if she, in fact had US citizenship, but
There is no proof that his mother was a US citizen at the time of his birth, either.
The only evidence he has provided in support of his claim to be a US citizen and natural-born is a forged identification document.
The "natural-born" crap, as you derisively call it, is called the Constitution: it is the Law of the Land and the President must swear an Oath to protect, preserve, and to defend it.
Anyone who violates this Oath is a traitor.
Anyone who seeks to destroy the Constitution is a traitor.
Anyone who seeks to subvert or weaken the Constitution is a traitor.
You would be better served to learn about the Constitution and US History then to continue making these bogus, irrelevant arguments.
You’re not only not the sharpest knife in the drawer - you appear to be a rolling pin.
We could still use it to claim his illegitimacy. The way they did to Bush after 2000. Obama can play Mr. President all he wants — I’ll never see it that way and he’ll never get my respect. Any good judge of character could see through his facade.