Make that Factcheck instead of KOS
Thanks, ComputerGuy
Much appreciated!
Happy Thanksgiving!
As far as I can tell:
OHSM - KOS, Factcheck, Politifact, and all Certifications submitted from other peopleOHBM - FighttheSmears
As all of BO's have the same spot, the alteration would have been made to the original jpeg file.
Or is it the appearance of a "B" due to the low resolution of the file and some pixels darkened to create the appearance of a straight line forming a B?
The initials were not changed since they first introduced the current COLB form seven years ago. The "S" in OHSM looks like a "B" because the Obama Campaign deliberately made a lousy image copy, ensuring that the image would be illegible under magnification.
Call it the Case of the Dyslexic Image Document.
Read my reponse at:;page=194#194