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Ann Althouse on Obama and the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.
The Virginian ^ | 8/21/2008 | Moneyrunner

Posted on 08/21/2008 6:31:17 PM PDT by moneyrunner

A nurse working at a suburban Chicago hospital observed a late-term abortion being performed. The procedure was to induce delivery. The assumption was, given the development of the fetus, the delivery would result in a "still born" child/fetus. The fetus was a little more developed than assumed and the child/fetus was not still born; it was alive. It tried to breathe. It struggled and writhed. It was placed in a utility closet and allowed to die.

The nurse, went to the hospital administration. The administration refused to do anything about the practice. (Between 10% - 15% of late-term abortions of this type result in a "live" birth.) The nurse went to the Il Attorney General who investigated as said that no laws were broken, so he could not get involved. The nurse went to the state legislature, which where then State Senator Obama comes into the picture.

At about the same time, Congress got involved. Congress first considered a bill that would "clarify" that any "child" that showed signs of life and was entirely outside its mother was a "person" and had legal rights. ...

In Illinois, the same things happened in the same order, but with a different end result. A bill was introduced. Some objected that the bill could be used to restrict abortion rights. A neutrality clause was added. Obama, who was chair of the committee overseeing the bill, killed the bill.

With this explanation of the bill, people who are pro-life are accusing Obama of favoring infanticide if a botched abortion delivers a live baby. ... After all, the “choice” part was always about “my body, my choice.” When the baby is no longer part of “your body” that argument no longer applies.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Health/Medicine; Politics; Society
KEYWORDS: 2008; abortion; election; electionpresident; elections; infanticide; obama
There are several video links at the source.
1 posted on 08/21/2008 6:31:17 PM PDT by moneyrunner
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To: moneyrunner

Very few Americans realize that ‘abortion-by-neglect’ is a method used to terminate alive unborn children so that they are more pristine tissue sources after they die from premature birth. Contrary to the sick bastards in the democrat party and their sycophantic dead-soul whores spittling across the media trying to cover for the Obama defense of infanticide, the Consitutional rights of born infants are being spit upon and laws like the Born ALive Infants Protection Bill were called for to stop this evil. There are abortuaries still using this method to terminate preemies for tissue harvesting, but the media is so far in the tank for this evil that they will never expose it! The democrat party IS the abortion and infanticide party.

3 posted on 08/21/2008 6:38:58 PM PDT by MHGinTN (Believing they cannot be deceived, they cannot be convinced when they are deceived.)
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To: moneyrunner

whether you are a person, if defined if you are “wanted” (baby) or “not” (fetus)

this is heartbreaking

4 posted on 08/21/2008 7:18:01 PM PDT by machogirl
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