Kos's image is 2427px × 2369px, 519,907 bytes. Yours is 2426px × 2369px, 478,223 bytes.
It is important to minimize the number of JPEG generations. Each successive decompress / recompress cycle further degrades image quality. Graphic artists generally keep store their images in lossless form (TIFF) until they are done working on them.
I had to start with something, and I chose the highest quality image available to me, which was Michele's COLB, and made a bitmap of it.
I then edited it, and saved it at a JPG comression of 45 percent -- which is what I calculated to be the compression ratio of the KOs image, assuming that the size reduction, cropping, and JPG reduction were all done in one pass.
Like I said, it was not a pixel-by-pixel clone. There's no way to get it to be exactly the same, given that the original was a JPG.
One thing I did not do was to save it as a progressive JPG. Had I done that, the letters would have been crisper, and the artifacts less noticeable.
I might try going that route next time.