This story was beautiful. It does seem too bad that Tony’s death has made Mr.deBrorchgrave give up on God.
I’m not sure Mr. DeB has given up on God.
He just doesn’t understand the sovereignty
of God. All of our days our numbered.
Tony Snow didn’t waste one second of the
time he was given on this earth. I’m also
quite sure that anyone he met was a better
person for knowing him.
That is not what he wrote or implied, IMO.
I have no doubt that hundreds of Tony's closest friends, and many thousands he's never met, looked up with a big hurt in their heart, wishing it could have been different.
Wondering why (which is what Mr. deBrorchgrave did) is not unusual, nor is it unhealthy.
God knows I've been in some bad sorts and couldn't figure things out - heck, sometimes I figure I'm doing pretty good if I can measure the time I'm flabbergasted, flummoxed, frazzled or just plain f'd in hours and days, rather than weeks and months!
No matter the circumstances, when I do ask, He Answers.
Let's give Mr. deBrorchgrave the benefit of the doubt that he either has or will ask, and that he gets his answer.
Thanks for the ping, Jo