I have a question. In the Odumbasse’s book, Dreams, he said he found his birth certificate and his immunization records. What happened to that birth certificate? If it was such a big deal that he mentioned it in his book, I highly doubt he would lose it unless he did it deliberately. Why would he even mention that at all? What’s the big deal? I am 99.9% positive he is guilty of lying and a lot more. If he released his medical records, all college records, and authentic birth certificate, like all other presidents have done, he could end this in a day.
The fact that many in the military have doubts should be reason enough for any honorable man to come clean. The only reason I can think of that he keeps thumbing his nose at everyone is that releasing these things will the end for him forever. Politically and personally shunned and shamed if not imprisoned.
You mean William Ayer's ghost-written book. There are only two possiblities:
One, finding the BC was yet another fictional account written by Ayers. "Dreams" is full of them.
Or, two, given that Obama is moving Heaven and Earth to keep it from ever seeing the light of day, it's a huge deal. We can only speculate on what information it contains.
Does it show him being born in Kenya?
Does it show his father was someone other than Obama Sr?
Look at the long form itself. Imagine what information could be put on it that he would not just want to suppress, but need to suppress.