You have missed President Ahmadinejad and his Israel should be wiped off the map road show...*****
No, I didn’t miss that. As I understand he meant the state of Israel, not the people. Nor was it meant in a way that Iran was going to nuke it out of existence.
*****I guess you have missed out on the stonings of young women in the very progressive Muslim culture of theirs.****
No, I am appalled by all brutality. Neck tieing with burning tires, crucifixions in Sudan, China shooting down the protesters in T Square, killing the monks in Burma, etc.
*****Most of all I guess you have missed the Iranian arms and personnel that have been reported in Iraq, keeling OUR men and women.*****
No. That has been part of the beating of the drums for war against Iran. However, what I have heard is that most of that is coming from a rebel group that controls a lot of the area of western Iran. A group that may have been supported by our CIA in order to over throw the present government. As far as I know, it has not been connected to the official government.
I do know that most of the foreign fighters caught in Iraq are from Saudi Arabia. Do you know what we do with them after we catch them? We send them back to “posh” re-education camps in S.A.
A few questions because according to you Paulinati I am “small minded”
The man wants to wipe out just the “State” of Israel? How does that work exactly? The state is wiped out and the Israelis just hover over where it was?
The man has said death to the US also, so I guess I am ok since here in Mississippi I won’t have to hover as high as say the folks in Denver...
Also your answer on the Iranian weapons is interesting. Again, I am “small minded” but to me the reports of Iranian weapons are quite clear. I also have some second hand knowledge of such from several very close friends who have actually been on the ground there. So are you saying this is a CIA plot or at least blaming them, or am I missing something...