A few questions because according to you Paulinati I am “small minded”
The man wants to wipe out just the “State” of Israel? How does that work exactly? The state is wiped out and the Israelis just hover over where it was?
The man has said death to the US also, so I guess I am ok since here in Mississippi I won’t have to hover as high as say the folks in Denver...
Also your answer on the Iranian weapons is interesting. Again, I am “small minded” but to me the reports of Iranian weapons are quite clear. I also have some second hand knowledge of such from several very close friends who have actually been on the ground there. So are you saying this is a CIA plot or at least blaming them, or am I missing something...
Israel has more nukes than all its neighbors combined. Israel will be fine. No one supports stopping the arms sells to Israel, Paul supports stopping the foreign aid, and Iran having a nuke is not the end of the world, the Paki’s have plenty of them and they’re quite a bit more likely to “go nuclear” than the persians.
If we continue to prop up these backward nations then they will never be forced to reform their government. If you honestly believe in the american vision of freedom then support it, and quit endorsing paying other countries to maintain their oppressive socialist policies.