Wow, that's an eye opener.
Can this be used to repeal gun-control laws as unconstitutional (as if the 2nd amendment wasn't enough for that lol)?
I want letters of marque and reprisal for my boat.
Should be extended to aircraft, IMHO.
Is this newbie trying to steal your thunder?
I know that you probably have seen this thread already, but just in case, consider yourself PINGED.
LOL! It's pretty sad we have to make sure our sources are from far enough in the past not to be sullied with PC-ism, isn't it?
Here's a relevant little tidbit I came across recently
In this case the letters of marque and reprisal (words used as synonymous, the latter (reprisal) signifying, a taking in return, the former (letters of marque) the passing the frontiers in order to such taking,) contain an authority to seize the bodies or goods of the subjects of the offending state, wherever they may be found, until satisfaction is made for the injury.
Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution 1833
I guess it should surprise me that government is still questioning the RKBA, but a solid rebuttal to that assertion is simple-
If the courts have found that the police cannot be held legally liable for protecting the citizenry, then government can have NO legal authority to prevent that citizenry from protecting itself....whether we choose to use a firearm or a frying pan is OUR business, not the governments.
'Letter' was the theme of a novel. Wasn't it Vince Flynn's first one?