Not much to say, except class vs trash. The impeached had no class, he was just a big hunk of trash. I hated having to serve in the armed forces with him as the CiC.
Even though I don't agree with everything the President is doing, at least I feel he is keeping our military in much better state of readiness.
. . . as well I can imagine!But thank you for your service.
One of the options my eldest daughter considered coming out of college in '93 as the Marines. I'd have respected the idea in the 1980s, but in 1993 I made allowance for the fact that a Democrat would in the WH for at least the next 3 1/2 years. And my judgement of the effect a Democratic CiC could have on morale - I like to point out that there hasn't been a good Democratic Secretary of Defense in the past half-century - was only too well vindicated.
Happily the option my daughter really preferred became avaiable and so instead of joining the Marines she did graduate work - and became a mother and homemaker.