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DUmmie FUnnies 01-02-06 (Even Leftists Laugh At Pied Piper Pitt)
DUmmie FUnnies ^ | January 2, 2006 | Doug Thompson, Assorted Leftists, and PJ-Comix

Posted on 01/02/2006 7:12:45 AM PST by PJ-Comix

One of the geat mysteries of Pied Piper (William Rivers) Pitt's recent ATTACK upon me for taking him up on his CASH Bounty Challenge was his accusation that I was a former "bosom" buddy DUmmie he knew who, as a member of the DNC, attended the Democrat 2004 convention in Boston. Of course, Pitt knows full well that anybody with the screen name of DUmmie FUnnies (which is how I identified myself to him) would be Tombstoned from DUmmieland within about 5 seconds of registering there. And since he clearly heard my voice, he would know that we never met before. So why the BIZARRE accusation? Well, after doing a little searching on the Web, it appears that DUmmileand is about the ONLY place on the Web where the ponderous pontificating Pitt gets any sort of respect (although even in DUmmieland there are some naysayers). If you check out the majority of leftwing sites such as Daily Kos (where Pitt's pathetic September rally was castigated as an embarrassing failure), Capitol Hill Blue, and on many forum such as the Progessive Independent Forum featured on this THREAD titled, "Partisans (William Rivers Pitt) can't be journalists." Yes, it turns out that Pitt's big fear isn't EVIL Rightwingers like Yours Truly. It is his fellow LEFTWINGERS that Pitt is most upset about because it his OWN KIND who are casting aspersions upon his veracity. Therefore, Pitt, despite knowing where Yours Truly was coming, from decided to rewrite it in such a way that I was a betraying Leftist Trotsky to his Stalin. So let us now bestow a Mass Kewpie Doll on all these Leftists who actually do have a bit of mental clarity when it comes to realizing what a FRAUD Pied Piper Pitt is. However, even though these Leftwingers do have clarity of thought regarding Pitt, knowing where they are coming from I must still quote them in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, declaring that he is not now nor has he ever been a member of the DNC, is in the [brackets]:

Partisans (William Rivers Pitt) can't be journalists

[You not only knocked Pied Piper Pitt but about 95% of all journalists.]

Nov 20, 2005, 09:27

[Doug Thompson of Capitol Hill Blue. Okay, Doug, your credentials are verified. You definitely are a Leftwinger. Now tell us about Pitt...Hee! Hee!]

Normally, I don’t pay much attention to the patter on Internet bulletin boards – particularly extreme partisan boards like Free Republic on the right or Democratic Underground on the left.

[The big diffence between those boards is that the Free Republic postings are SANE but continue Doug...]

But a reader sent me a link the other day to a post on DU by William Rivers Pitt, a self-proclaimed guardian of all things Democratic and liberal:

[Pied Piper Pitt does tend to do a lot of self-proclaiming and ponderous pontificating. Continue...]

“As far as I am concerned, CHB's bread and butter is telling people things they wished were true, instead of telling people what is actually true,” Pitt said. “Publications like this give the entire alt-media a big black eye.”

[Pot calling Kettle black...]

He went on to add: “They have never, not once, quoted a source by name.”

[FUnnie Pitt but the source of THIS story IS being named. Maybe you are embarrassed at being quoted word for word.]

Pitt, for those of you who don’t spend time reading the left wing side of the partisan political divide, served as managing editor the liberal commentary site and currently serves as a “writer and editorial director” of Progressive Democrats of America. He taught English lit and journalism at some trendy private school near Boston and his father is chairman of the Democratic Party in Louisiana.

[Shame on you, Doug, for neglecting to mention that Pied Piper Pitt has served as an unending source of comedy material for the DUmmie FUnnies.]

Frankly, I’d expect a former teacher to show more accuracy in what he writes but then I’m dealing with a writer to admittedly flaks for a partisan point of view. That is the real problem with alternative media today – the belief that such media must represent a certain point of view to do its job.

[What you don't understand, Doug, is that Pitt has a much superior intellect than the rest of us peons. Pitt has the astounding ability to perfectly quote LOOOOOONG blocks of conversation WORD FOR WORD days after the event WITHOUT the use of a tape recorder.]

The role of a journalist, Findley Peter Dunne wrote, is “to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” I was a journalist with several years of experience, a dozen awards and a war under my belt before Billy Pitt crawled out of his mother’s womb.

[Big deal, Doug. You still can't perfectly quote long blocks of conversation WORD FOR WORD. Don't even try comparing yourself to the Mighty Pitt.]

He claims my bread and butter is “telling people things they wished were true.” Got news for you Billy boy. We raised questions about the Iraq war when 84 percent of the lemmings out there waved the flag and chanted the pro-war chorus and most of the members of your own party voted to give George W. Bush the authority to wage that war.

[LOL! "Telling people things they wished were true." That sounds like about every other thread in DUmmieland... Now on to the Pithy Pitt observations by the Progressive Independent Forum Leftists...]

I'm going to say it. I'm not going to hold back and protocol be damned. Will Pitt, public figure, is a crass impediment to any political progress.

[Which from the conservative point of view is actually a GOOD thing. I mean, everything Pitt touches turns to lead... BOTH Days When Everything Finally Changed plus lots of other flops.]

Pitt was a DLC supporter who realized where the bread was buttered during the primaries so he pretended to be supporting Kucinich while all the time pumping up DLC Kerry. Want to know the real deal about Pitt? Ask the Kucinich HQs why he suddenly was no longer their spokesperson after a month on board and then ask RichM and several progressives here & at DU what evidence they turned over to the Kucinich HQs about his duplicity.

[Those Ben Franklins speak louder than words.]

His self proclaimed profundities
are really fat rotundities.
His words too thick to see through
show what he has to say.
The content makes no difference
as long as the circumference
is large enough to block the view
of those who look his way.

[I'm tempted to say...LOUSY FREEPER TROLL!!!]

"He became anti-occupation when Cindy Sheehan nailed his ass." WP had written an essay on why America needed to stay the course. I believe it was just before or after the sham Iraqi elections. (Not so very long ago.) Cindy very publically corrected him and told him what a disservice he was doing to the anti-war movement. WP backpedaled, explained what he "really" meant, and has now become anti-occupation since birth. Here is Cindy's response to a column by WP. It was picked up by much of the alternative media.

[WOW! Thanx for the link, Mr. Leftist. That attack on Pitt explains why he was so desperate to visit that Texas Ditch and get back in Cindy's good graces. Pitt needed to maintain his "credibility" with his fellow Leftist Loons. The following are some of the quotes from Cindy's attack on him:]

Dear Will,"

"...I think you have already made up your mind that our troops need to remain in Iraq..which is very sad. This is in response to your blog question yesterday and your answer to today."

"...Also, your views have the effect of invalidating what I, my organization, Gold Star Families for Peace, and other peace groups are doing to bring our troops home immediately, if not sooner."

[Sheesh! No wonder Pitt was so desperate to ingratiate himself with Cindy Sheehan after receiving that public bitch slapping.]

We all are evolving .....That includes Mr. Pitt. It' a learning curve and I give him a wide birth at this point.

[And I'll give Mr. Pitt a wide berth.]

I gave up on Will over a year ago after giving him the benefit of the doubt for the full year before that. I even helped cover for him when he was suddenly released from the Kucinich campaign by making a few lying posts to the effect that it had never been meant to be a long-term assignment and only a short project because I felt bad about anyone using that to kick Pitt while he was down-

[Lying to protect Pitt? Where have we heard this before?]

many good tombstoned DUers' hearts were in the right place...why is Pitt's heart so extra special?

[Because he is intellectually SUPERIOR to the rest of us. Do you have the ability to accurate quote word for word LOOOONG blocks of conversation sans tape recorder at least a day after the event? If not, then don't criticize the Almighty Pitt.]

WRP, in case anyone hasn't guessed by now, is not someone I hold in any esteem. Kephra comes to mind. As do the war apologetics, the drunken public spectacles and the Kerry shilling. I have no place in my heart for calculating opportunists trying to make a buck or a name off the antiwar movement. Especially not as they beat up more committed activists like Kephra to get there.

["Drunken public spectacles?" You obviously know Pitt well.]

Pit joined the swarm that gave me the heave ho at DU. Lemmings."

[And now you know the reason for his full name: Pied Piper Pitt---leading the DUmmie lemmings off the leftwing cliff.]

What was the story with Kucinich. I had pangs of real trepidation when Pitt announced he was joining Kucinich...which I held in check.

[Bottom line: Kucinich didn't have as many disposable Franklins as Kerry, oops, I mean Mrs. Heinz.]

At the time I figured that Kucinich's people were perfectly capable of vetting their choices of hired staff, even if I had my own misgivings based on what I knew of WP's consistent backing of Kerry and DLC talking points. It was all in plain sight for anyone with eyes to see...though Will is a cameleon so you have to watch closely.

[I've always thought of Pitt as a snake but I ACCEPT your characterization of him as a "cameleon." (Is that a camel that can change colors?)]

For the record - I have been untrusting and pissed at Pitt since his early attacks on Gore and his hyping of Skull and Boneser Kerry at DU going way back. But the coup de grace was when Pitt stabbed me in the back when I was set up and impersonated at DU on election night 2004 when someone stole my name and impersonated me. I sent Pitt my personal info including references - asking for his help in getting me reinstated at DU -- and he STILL went on the boards and claimed I sounded like one freeper named TLBShow.

[Was your DUmmie screen name "DUmmie FUnnies?"]

It was a PM Pitt sent me that unwittingly gave me further insight into what really happened. In that PM he basically turned the tables on Kucinich saying DK was an impossible person to work for and had a nasty temper (projection is what I call that after knowing them both because I witnessed Will's nastiness online more than once and never once witnessed or even heard about anything nasty from DK). But you, I'd have an incredibly nasty reaction too if I learned my Press Secretary was pumping up another candidate while working on my campaign and signing his posts "Press Secretary for Kucinich".

[Hmmm... It sounds like Pitt was attempting to grab a few extra Kucinich Jacksons while pocketing Kerry's (Mrs. Heinz's) Franklins.]

In many posts he makes he does not revisit often unless he is thoroughly adulated or thoroughly challenged.

[Or thoroughly inebriated.]

It's all about Will.

[But of course!]

Consider the hypocrisy of this juvenile hack: he wangled for himself a 3-week stint as Dennis Kucinich's press secretary, even while being a Kerry supporter at the time. He wangled for himself the chance to co-author a pamphlet with Scott Ritter, yet solidly backed the pro-war Kerry in the campaign. So he's collecting antiwar brownie points for his resume, while his real sympathies lie with being an apologist for pro-war Democrats. Ugh.

[It's called Triangulating For Cash.]

Was he really named William "Rivers" Pitt at birth, or did he add the middle name later for dramatic effect?

[Original middle named was "Soused."]

When WRP picks up a bottle, he really needs to put down the keyboard and phone. He's a real obnoxious drunk.

[My turn to defend Pitt. He is just as obnoxious sober.]

I don't know why Pitt picked that fight with CHB...but Pitt drinks Scotch and gets in "moods" where he trashes and attacks folks...

[Judging from Pitt's attack on me (actually on a Phantom Judas DUmmie), veracity is also not part of Pitt's "mood."]

Pitt is a plagiarizer and cannot be trusted. Pitt used my friend, the late Kephra, to do his research. Pitt never gave Kef any credit. When Kef became distraught about the way the DLC maneuvered the primary season to ensure one of their guys got the the nomination, Pitt attacked Kef for his lack of loyalty. Pitt's attacks were personal and relentless. I don't think Kef got over that!

[It looks like Pitt has established the correct credentials to work for the Joe Biden campaign. BTW, are you the SAME IndianGreen who used to be a DUmmie Moderator? Did Pitt and Skinner Tombstone you from DUmmie Paradise?]

Keph never got over that. We talked shortly before he passed away and he was still sick, heart-broken, about the treatment he got from Pitt. If it's any comfort to you as Keph's friend, he didn't die fooled.

[Backstabbed by Pitt but at least he found out who was plunging the dagger.]

Skinner came to Kef's funeral. Pitt did not show his face! I don't think Pitt would have received a warm welcome from the DUers present at the funeral, particularly the Hoosier DUers who were rather ticked off at Pitt to begin with. I believe he did send a planter.

[A planter? That Pitt is all heart!]

I always suspected that Pitt had "used Keph" in a most aggregious way...... Used him for research..hired him for his ability and then cast him off when he found a new job or his "daddy" told him to "get in line." Until I read your posts..I really didn't understand how dreadful it was that my suspicions were correct that Keph was USED by Pitt. I've been around DU...not quite as long as you guys...but long enough to battle with Pitt. I see him having a "voice" in the Progressive Movement as a "Poet" but not as a "Power Broker" (I posted above about this). But, I was a Keph lover on DU...what he did for DU with his DEVOTION...was more than Pitt ever did. I had suspicions but until I saw the posts here I didn't have "VERIFICATION" about how Pitt cut Keph loose...used him for research and then left him out he moved on. Many DU Oldies suspected but if you weren't in the "Private DU AOL CHATS or part of an "in crowd" you picked up "tensions" but not enough to really be "clued in." that Keph is dead almost a year...thanks for informing us...of the TRUE STORY...that many of us who are now gone from DU...suspected..but never could "verify." I think it broke Keph's heart...saw him post in the DU Lounge..and Will came in as his "psychologist"...but it was after that that Keph died. It was a hard time for us all when we lost 2004...It was very hard on DU'ers like Keph who had contributed SO MUCH...and LOST SO MUCH.. It's upsetting even for me to post this...remembering it's almost a year since Keph died..and what went on then....

[Judas Iscariot Pitt counting his thirty pieces of silver.]

You may remember that he also attacked Andy's credibility shortly before Andy died. He got so much flak over that tirade that he later apologized. Any "friend" who will kick someone when he's down is worse than despicable.

[We remember that. Oh yes! We DU remember that!]

I think he's very troubled. I've been quite uneasy about him ever since noting his propensity to post arrogant nonsense while drunk. He seems to get drunk a little too often for someone who is no longer in college.

[WARNING: Arrogant While Drunk.]

Quitting? I'd wager he was asked to leave since it happened so shortly after about a dozen DUers either sent, or delivered in person, evidence of his campaigning for Kerry at DU while signing his pro-Kerry posts "Will Pitt, Press Secretary, Kucinich for President". "Poor job of publicizing DK" is putting it too kindly. I think the better part of Will may have liked some things about DK but he was never ever behind DK for President.

[The lack of enthusiasm for DK was due to a lack of Franklins.]

KEYWORDS: du; dufu; dummie; dummies; pitt; williampitt
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To: gate2wire

If you look closely, you'll see someone standing very close to WRP wearing the same outfit. Must be the PDA uniform...baggy cargo pants with black shirt.

81 posted on 01/02/2006 11:15:47 AM PST by jellybean (George Allen 2008)
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To: PJ-Comix
Was he really named William "Rivers" Pitt at birth, or did he add the middle name later for dramatic effect?

Wouldn't that be short for- William "Cry Me a River" Pitt?

82 posted on 01/02/2006 12:03:12 PM PST by mikrofon (Ne'er DU-well)
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To: feinswinesuksass

I used to read his online magazine until he went moonbat. Yeah it is obvious he has not learned a thing but the lunatics on the left buy his "fairytales" hook line and sinker

83 posted on 01/02/2006 12:07:23 PM PST by Kaslin (The terrorists must be allowed to attack us again.... Sincerly A leftwinger)
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To: PJ-Comix
One disappointing note about the feud between William Rivers Pitt and Doug Thompson/CHB is that there must be some lefties watching the spat and thinking that one of them must be lying which means the other must be telling the truth.

The correct answer is that they're both pathetically laughable goofballs who fabricate misinformation for reasons of self-gratification. Why, William Rivers Pitt even started a website named 'Truthout', which lets you know right away that he's telling you the truth, man. After all, what sort of outfit would name themselves 'Truth' with the intention of lying to you?!

Everyone, thank your lucky stars that fate has chosen damned fools to be our ideological opponents.

84 posted on 01/02/2006 12:20:15 PM PST by The KG9 Kid (Semper Fi!)
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To: Incorrigible
"... Was that the secret CIA guy he knew for years only to have the guy disappear on him after FReepers figured out the guy was a fraud?"

There never was a 'secret CIA guy' who spoke on condition of anonymity to Doug Thompson. He was a figment of Thompson's imagination. Doug Thompson made the whole story up, was caught, then provided apologia which was itself a lie. When we started dissecting the apology, he left FR completely and took a long hiatus from CHB.

Doug Thompson is back to his old game of making up stories from insiders in the highest branches of government that tell him information that they give to no-one else on the planet.

He's a kookball who likes to spark conspiracy theories. Idiots lap it up.

85 posted on 01/02/2006 12:26:58 PM PST by The KG9 Kid (Semper Fi!)
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To: The KG9 Kid

Yep! I went back and read the thread I linked to.

I would have to agree.


86 posted on 01/02/2006 12:34:34 PM PST by Incorrigible (If I lead, follow me; If I pause, push me; If I retreat, kill me.)
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To: Clemenza
Take pictures next time!

Yeah. I'll be watching the end of Scarface more carefully the next time I see it since I actually saw the home where it was filmed. Oh, also the home of The Fokkers was on one of the islands we saw. I actually do remember the resemblance but, again, I will be paying closer attention the next time I watch it.

BTW, I was also thinking of you when we took the Brickell Line people mover. There are 3 People Mover Lines in Miami. The Inner Loop, the Outer Loop, and the Brickell Loop (all FREE). The latter loop goes to the Brickell Ave. station right in the heart of the Rich Latina Condos. We actually did take the Brickell Line People mover but got off at the 8th St. station. I was thinking that the Brickell Station would be the one for Clemenza to go to in order to get in on that Hot Colombian/Venezuelan Condo Action.

87 posted on 01/02/2006 12:35:52 PM PST by PJ-Comix (Join the DUmmie FUnnies PING List for the FUNNIEST Blog on the Web)
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To: All

I'm not shilling for you to subscribe (free) to the DUmmie FUnnies Blog Podcast but I am finding this RSS Reader INCREDIBLE because of the convenience it offers. For example, I used to have to remind myself to go to Michelle Malkin's website throughout the day for the latest updates. Now it is done automatically thru the RSS Reader. Oh, and her last update mentioned that she will be on the O'Reilly Factor tonight to discuss Bush Haters in the MSM.

88 posted on 01/02/2006 12:49:15 PM PST by PJ-Comix (Join the DUmmie FUnnies PING List for the FUNNIEST Blog on the Web)
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To: All

Just out of curiousity, how many folks here are using RSS Readers?

89 posted on 01/02/2006 12:50:30 PM PST by PJ-Comix (Join the DUmmie FUnnies PING List for the FUNNIEST Blog on the Web)
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To: PJ-Comix DUmmieland since Hillary is LOATHED there as a Triangulating Opportunist.

If she gets the nomination(gag! gack!), their tiger will change his spots (thanks to alphagore for that one!).

These fools are yellow-dog democrats even-hillary democrats. Strange bedfellows, and all that.

90 posted on 01/02/2006 12:51:22 PM PST by bannie (The government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend upon the support of Paul.)
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To: PJ-Comix

For those that don't want to download a specific client, you can go to and click on "Add Content" on the left. Then click on the "Advanced Options" link and copy and past PJ's link ( into the entry box.

You can then enjoy PJ's and other RSS feeds online from many different computers. Just click on "my stuff" to see your links.

91 posted on 01/02/2006 12:53:40 PM PST by Incorrigible (If I lead, follow me; If I pause, push me; If I retreat, kill me.)
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To: PJ-Comix
It's all about Will.

92 posted on 01/02/2006 12:57:38 PM PST by Charles Henrickson (Bragging rights.)
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To: Incorrigible
You can then enjoy PJ's and other RSS feeds online from many different computers. Just click on "my stuff" to see your links.

You can also go to Bloglines.Com and have a Web Based Reader. That way you can access your subscribed sites from any computer. Just log in to Bloglines.Com and you're good to go.

93 posted on 01/02/2006 12:57:49 PM PST by PJ-Comix (Join the DUmmie FUnnies PING List for the FUNNIEST Blog on the Web)
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To: The KG9 Kid
Doug Thompson is back to his old game of making up stories...

New York Times, here he comes.

94 posted on 01/02/2006 1:00:50 PM PST by bannie (The government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend upon the support of Paul.)
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To: PJ-Comix
[And I'll give Mr. Pitt a wide berth.]

95 posted on 01/02/2006 1:03:50 PM PST by Charles Henrickson (Sand Pitt.)
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To: PJ-Comix
Normally, I don’t pay much attention to the patter on Internet bulletin boards – particularly extreme partisan boards like Free Republic on the right or Democratic Underground on the left.

For a guy who doesn't pay attention to Democratic Underground, this guy seems to know just about everyone there

96 posted on 01/02/2006 1:04:04 PM PST by Smedley
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To: Incorrigible

I'm getting the weird feeling we are scarying off folks here with all this talk about RSS Readers and Feeds.

97 posted on 01/02/2006 1:07:39 PM PST by PJ-Comix (Join the DUmmie FUnnies PING List for the FUNNIEST Blog on the Web)
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To: Lx
Hey, that's a wonderful photo of Pitt in his Brokeback phase.

Notice where Will is standing in the photo below. He's got Barney Frank's back.

98 posted on 01/02/2006 1:11:39 PM PST by Charles Henrickson (Homo electus.)
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To: PJ-Comix
Together again! The Evil Elf and the Pie-eyed Piper!

99 posted on 01/02/2006 1:14:57 PM PST by Charles Henrickson (Dennis the Minus and Wee Willie.)
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To: PJ-Comix
[. . . I'll give Mr. Pitt a wide berth.]

"And it keeps getting wider, doesn't it?"

100 posted on 01/02/2006 1:43:54 PM PST by Charles Henrickson (Wide load.)
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