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To: strategofr
"Chirac, after lying low for 10 days, finally called an emergency security meeting in Paris Sunday, Nov. 6."
Says it all.
2 posted on
11/07/2005 11:05:28 AM PST by
(The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage.---Thucydities)
To: strategofr
Looks like Europe is in a mess again...
3 posted on
11/07/2005 11:06:35 AM PST by
(“You love life, while we love death.” - Al-Qaeda / Democratic Party)
To: strategofr
"For a start, marksmen need to be posted to pinpoint the ringleaders and the bottle-bomb wielders targeting cars, schools, shops, warehouses and public buildings."
Hey, I think they're reading Free Republic.
4 posted on
11/07/2005 11:06:40 AM PST by
(The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage.---Thucydities)
To: strategofr
disturbing new slogans were hurled, depicting Paris as Baghdad-on-the Seine It's VERY hard not to laugh.
8 posted on
11/07/2005 11:08:47 AM PST by
(Isaiah 22:22, Rev 3:7, Mat 16:19)
To: strategofr
On February 20, 2004, DEBKA-Net-Weekly and DEBKAfile were first to reveal the extent of al Qaedas penetration of West Europe. They turned up French intelligence statistics which estimated that al Qaeda had recruited in France between 35,000 and 45,000 fighters and was organizing them in military-style units. They meet regularly for training in the use of weapons and explosives, combat tactics and indoctrination and are controlled from local and district command centers under the organizations national French command. In Germany, Al Qaedas numbers are estimated at 25,000 to 30,000 men.
And in the US?
OH, but that would never happen here...
11 posted on
11/07/2005 11:09:33 AM PST by
To: strategofr
the French prosecutor-general Yves Bot said he had detected an organized hand and a strategy behind the riots.Shrewd.
15 posted on
11/07/2005 11:10:53 AM PST by
Dr. Eckleburg
('Deserves' got nothing to do with it.)
To: strategofr
To: strategofr
"French police are still under orders not to open fire unless fired on first."
Oh good. So they've apparently issued them ammunition.
17 posted on
11/07/2005 11:12:10 AM PST by
(The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage.---Thucydities)
To: strategofr
"Frances leaders, like the British and Dutch, are clinging to the hope that sympathetic dialogue with moderate Muslims will calm the street,"
How about the creation of special "Muslim enclaves" where followers of the Islamic faith can be guaranteed that the brutal French police would not impinge in any way on their pursuit of an Islamic lifestyle.
21 posted on
11/07/2005 11:13:43 AM PST by
(The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage.---Thucydities)
To: strategofr
Saturday, Nov. 5, as the disorders went into their second week, the French prosecutor-general Yves Bot said he had detected an organized hand and a strategy behind the riots. Yves Bot, a cousin of Bush Bot?
24 posted on
11/07/2005 11:15:09 AM PST by
The Red Zone
(Florida, the sun-shame state, and Illinois the chicken injun.)
To: strategofr
So the explosion of the Arab street, predicited in response to Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon etc...finally happened. But it happened in Paris because they refuse to actually fight back.
What amazes me most is that there are some people who are amazed this happened.
28 posted on
11/07/2005 11:16:15 AM PST by
Personal Responsibility
(All I want for tomorrow is to make it better than today!)
To: strategofr
I just hope and pray that no Koran was harmed in the making of this Islamic production of arson, looting, destruction and murder.
That would be bad.
32 posted on
11/07/2005 11:17:15 AM PST by
(Islam is to Peace as Rape is to Love)
To: strategofr
Expect a vichey solution will be sought.
39 posted on
11/07/2005 11:19:24 AM PST by
To: strategofr
1) don't post stuff from debka.
2) see above.
71 posted on
11/07/2005 11:28:03 AM PST by
(VISUALIZE 62,041,268 Bush fans.)
To: strategofr
To: strategofr
Could someone link me with the article that states that 300 towns in France are being rioted?
Muchos gracias, amigos.
89 posted on
11/07/2005 11:35:13 AM PST by
(For English press one. Only in America!)
To: strategofr
Ho Hum.
The French Insurgents are insurging.
To: strategofr
I work in a U.S. site for a French company. Severtal of my colleagues have commented that these riots really are young people. He said that last night, when the rioters started up things in their small town, the parents came out and litterally beat the snot out of the kids for what they were doing. That ended the riots in that area real fast. The general mood over there by the average French is that heads need to be busted. No real action has been taken against the rioters for fear of being called racist. The fear in political circles is that if the police do anything big, then the Muslims will scream racism and it will inflame the situation. Hence, nothing is being done.
120 posted on
11/07/2005 12:15:41 PM PST by
(Democrats are to morals what and Etch-A-Sketch is to Art.)
To: strategofr
I'm waiting for the raghead islamofascists here to get the idea they can do the same thing.
To: strategofr
Publicly, muslims issued the following statement...
On Nov. 6, the Union of Islamic Organizations in France, UOIF, issued a fatwa forbidding Muslims to seek divine grace by blindly attacking private and public property and urging meditation and calm.
Privately, the gave the go-ahead for more of the same violence...
The following night, bands of marauding Muslim youths extended their areas of attack from outlying city districts to urban centers and started shooting at police officers.
Followers of TROP hard at work...
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