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Moonbats Obsess On-Line Over Fitzgerald Grand Jury-Protest Rally Attendance & Tin-Foil Sales Suffer
10/20/05 | From the fevered minds of deluded libs

Posted on 10/20/2005 11:25:03 AM PDT by dukeman

The moonbats on DU are at a fever pitch over the Fitzgerald grand jury. They can barely contain themselves and they won't leave their computer screens for fear of missing first word about the indictment of the entire Bush Administration. Here's a sample. Picture them sitting in their own urine as they repeatedly hit the refresh button:

Horse with no Name (1000+ posts) Mon Oct-17-05 01:35 AM
Original message

I know alot of people are giddy with excitement for what may be upcoming this next week...but does anyone else have a sick feeling at the pit of their stomach that just won't go away?

I have no doubts about the guilt of the players or how high the corruption goes, my fears are because of what I fear these animals will do when cornered.

I pity those that are too partisan to see the corruption of this government...and feel sorrow for the death of democracy in this country--because truly, after what this cabal has done to this country, it proves that things cannot remain status quo.

Neil Lisst (908 posts) Mon Oct-17-05 01:39 AM
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1. It's like being a kid and waiting for Christmas again!!


Birthmark (1000+ posts) Mon Oct-17-05 01:44 AM
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2. This seems appropriate

I don't know where I picked it up.

"The time of fear is over. Now is the time of hope." -Christian Barnard (upon the occasion of his arrest by the Nazi's in occupied France)

kestrel91316 (1000+ posts) Mon Oct-17-05 01:45 AM
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3. Well.......... my nailbiting habit has picked up a bit


BlueStateBlue (344 posts) Sun Oct-16-05 11:52 PM
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Let's start an Indictment Day pool!!

I say the first TreasonGate indictment is announced on Wednesday, October 19 - Scooter Libby.


Texifornia (42 posts) Sun Oct-16-05 11:57 PM
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1. Oh what fun!

Nothing is going too quickly with Fitzgerald, I'm gonna guess a week from Monday (Oct. 24). Karl Rove will be amongst the first indictments. Obstruction of Justice.

Pirate Smile (1000+ posts) Sun Oct-16-05 11:59 PM
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2. Thursday, October 20th. Libby, Rove and two others.

Lancer (605 posts) Mon Oct-17-05 12:26 AM
Response to Reply #2

6. Agree with Pirate Smile --

that's exactly what I was thinking this afternoon. But I think there may be more than four people indicted. Not sure who all else. So many choices…


Botany (1000+ posts) Mon Oct-17-05 02:11 PM
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It is the most wonderful time of the year. La La La

Merry Fitzmas!


progressoid (1000+ posts) Tue Oct-18-05 03:31 PM
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I hereby shun all Plamegate posts.

It's Rove. It's Scooter. It's Cheney. It's Hannah. It's Condi. It's Card. It's Jenna.


I'm done with the suppositions, the "inside sources" and the armchair analysis.

I'm waiting for the movie staring Patrick Fitzgerald and an as yet uncertain cast.

I have a bottle of champagne in the fridge, a "yellow cake" mix in the cabinet, and a coupon for BBQ chicken-hawk wings for the impending celebration. Until then, I'm done with this story.

Sooo, Didja hear that Katie Holmes is pregnant?

Generator (1000+ posts) Tue Oct-18-05 03:38 PM
Response to Reply #7

16. Yep

And I must say that if one can't see this is the one and only chance to get rid of Bush/end the war in Iraq/stop this evil that is infesting this country then they don't get anything. It's everything. The only chance. Bush will never be impeached. Getting rid of his vile band of mates and having them turn against his other is the only hope this country has.

dmr (1000+ posts) Tue Oct-18-05 03:35 PM
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8. Not me, I'm enjoying this

But, yea, I got the yellow cake mix and the chickenhawk wings ready for the celebration too!

Finally! Finally, since Coup2000, I have something to feel giddy about!


smoogatz (1000+ posts) Tue Oct-18-05 02:35 PM
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The Freaking Suspense Is Killing Me.

I don't know how much longer I can take it. C'mon, Fitz--indict, already!!

woodsprite (1000+ posts) Tue Oct-18-05 02:40 PM
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4. You're freaking out! I'm in suspense AND going thru major DU withdrawal since my Comcast connection has decided to act up. It's not resolving host names I can't get out from my house at all. At home I'm relegated to TV news - UGH!!! I haven't gotten my news from TV since the day after the 2004 election - which is when I started reading DU. Hubby has a call into Comcast. When we go home tonight, we're going to try a different modem (bought one at lunch).

This was NOT a good week to start a diet

sweetladybug (1000+ posts) Tue Oct-18-05 02:43 PM
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5. smoogatz, the suspense is just about to get the best of me also.

I'm constantly getting off the computer and getting right back on it to check the latest breaking news. I pray to God that this bunch in charge of our country are exposed for what they are and they all will have to pay for their dirty deeds.

KarenS (630 posts) Tue Oct-18-05 02:44 PM
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7. ohhhhh,,,,, me, too,,,,,

and,,,, tomorrow I travel to Cleveland to help my divorcing son make an empty apartment livable,,,, he has no computer,,,,, talk about withdrawals !!

yy4me (299 posts) Tue Oct-18-05 02:44 PM
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8. This suspense is interrupting my days, checking every few minutes to see if there is any news on the indictment front. I have faith but i'm afraid i'll be let down. Please Fitz, get to it!

Carni (1000+ posts) Tue Oct-18-05 02:45 PM
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9. It's driving me nuts as well

I have had two days off and all I have done is glue myself to DU and the TV.

This is irritating and I have a ton of more productive things that I should have been doing!


Botany (1000+ posts) Thu Oct-20-05 12:53 PM
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My Fitzmas Dinner

Lobster Bisque
Spring Water
Sourdough Bread w/ olive oil
Honey Dew Melon & Pineapple (cleanse the pallet)

Rare Roast Beef & Yorkshire Pudding
Asparagus with lemon & butter
Merlot Spinach Salad with raspberry balsamic vinegar dressing

Orange slices

Chocolate mousse
Coffee w/ cream

It is the most wonderful time of the year. Everybody should relax and enjoy the season and not stress out too much.

Treason is the reason for the season


hang a left (1000+ posts) Wed Oct-19-05 03:25 PM
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I. Cant. Get. Off. My. Computer. Someone. Help. Me.

I have been glued to DU for almost 48 hours straight. I have so much to do but I can't move. My legs have cramps in them. I have to go to the bathroom. Is this what victory is supposed to feel like?

WilliamPitt (1000+ posts) Wed Oct-19-05 03:26 PM
Response to Original message

3. No

This is what work feels like.

Neocondriac (388 posts) Wed Oct-19-05 03:29 PM
Response to Original message

7. First...

Go take a shower, Then watch The Godfather 1 & 2, and see the similarities. If that fails Cuervo Tradicionales w/ lime.

karlrschneider,/b> (1000+ posts) Wed Oct-19-05 03:30 PM
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10. You think YOU got it bad...I just got my DSL installed yesterday and now I'm wasting time looking at 20 times more things!

Pithy Cherub (1000+ posts) Wed Oct-19-05 03:32 PM
Response to Original message

13. we know who we are in the support group!

The only addition is the laughing and actual feeling that JUSTICE is on the MARCH! off to refresh one more time...

Oregonian (1000+ posts) Wed Oct-19-05 03:36 PM
Response to Original message

15. I know. My mother is coming into town. I have to CLEAN.

Her plane lands soon. Why am I on DU? Heeeeeeeelp.

bunny planet (1000+ posts) Wed Oct-19-05 03:37 PM
Response to Original message

16. Can't. Help. You. Am. Glued. To. Mine. Also.
I need a 12 step program.

sui generis (1000+ posts) Wed Oct-19-05 03:42 PM
Response to Original message

18. you really must learn to pee at your desk bonus points if you're at work, plus you can sleep at your desk if you paint surprised eyes on your eyelids and don't snore too loud.

Ancient Chinese Secrets (that I just now made up).

WiseButAngrySara (1000+ posts) Wed Oct-19-05 03:54 PM
Response to Original message

27. Same here! The tension is making me ill! I have muscle spasms in my neck and buttocks from computer strain! It was the same this time last year, when I first got hooked on DU, and I was directed to the site for post election debate ratings, and I stayed on through the election, and the post election fiasco, and have been here ever since.


DemocracyInaction (1000+ posts) Thu Oct-20-05 12:17 PM
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I Feel Like Fitzgerald Is Holding the Nation's Future in His Hands..

I've always said that we will never get back in power until the Repuke engineered image of themselves as THE PARTY OF GOD is attacked, cut down and destroyed. I feel that Fritz is the only thing we have had in five years and the only thing we are going to have of this size to blow a cannon hole into the side of their Ship of State and start it for the bottom. If he simply comes forth with a small ripple, these animals will continue to reign. If he comes forth with a good tidal wave (like implicating Cheney or even Bush - pray, pray)then that added to all the other corruption swirling around (DeLay, Frist, etc.)is perfect fodder for the Dems to show the slime behind the 'cross'. And, by god, if Fitz does go deep and long, the Dems have to jump on like the Repukes piled onto the Bill and Monica story. To do less would be unforgivable. Fitzgerald and Earl in Texas are the only thing it seems left of good, patriotic Americans trying to keep this country from the real enemies (if they succeed, I, for one, am going to finally feel some hope).


hang a left (1000+ posts) Thu Oct-20-05 12:52 PM
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Isn't it awfully quiet on the Plame front today? It has been so exciting all week will all the new revelations and then today suddenly nothing.


Nictuku (118 posts) Thu Oct-20-05 12:22 PM
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I should be happy

I've been following the Valorie Plame story for, what, 2 years now? And we are on the edge of the investigation finally coming to a close, and it looks pretty bad for the administration.

I should be jumping for joy.

But something is holding me back, a sick feeling in my stomach, that somehow, some way, they will get away with this too.

I thought they would be 'done' when Abu Garhib hit the news. I thought the evidence of the stolen elections would be the end of them. I thought that the missing Billions would cause the people to wake up and put a stop to this madness.

Many people I talk to, (and I live on the Left Coast), don't think this CIA leak will amount to anything.

I hate this waiting! (so does my stomach).


NoBushSpokenHere (753 posts) Thu Oct-20-05 12:50 PM
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If BUSH OR CHENEY are indicted can you put a large banner across the top QUICKLY so we can know at first glance??

Awful hard to work and check on the news


WilliamPitt (1000+ posts) Wed Oct-19-05 03:56 PM
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Diary of a Plamegate Junkie

8:12am – Wake, sling blankets aside, startling cat into sudden flight.

8:13am – Pull up New York Times website, scan for news of Fitzgerald indictment.

8:14am – Thump head repeatedly on desk, further confusing already-rattled cat.

8:17am – Make coffee, check CNN in case something was missed in walk from office to kitchen.

8:22am – Down coffee in single gulp, remember that the voices of CNN talking heads are like fingernails across the chalkboard of my soul, change channel.

10:23am – Hit refresh on Times website. Sigh.

10:30am – Decide a ham-and-egg breakfast sandwich would be a good thing, grab jacket and wallet, head out.

10:31am – Race back inside, hit refresh again, sigh. Notice that cat has gone into hiding.

10:58am – Return with breakfast sandwich, wolf down in three bites while checking the blogs.

11:41am – Check Washington Post website for change of pace. Notice Dan Froomkin article about fear stalking the White House corridors. Chortle through mouthful of cheese.

12:22pm – Send email to Joe Wilson asking for comment on the situation.

12:23pm – Check email for reply.

12:24pm – Check email for reply.

12:25pm - Check email for reply.

12:26pm - Check email for reply.

12:27pm - Check email for reply.

12:28pm - Check email for reply.

12:29pm - Check email for reply.

12:30pm – Slap self in face repeatedly, refresh New York Times page, sigh, pace around.

1:33pm – Gobble handful of Tums to counteract surge of stomach acid from chugged coffee and gobbled breakfast sandwich.

1:34pm – Refresh.

2:41pm – Make conscious decision to walk away for a bit. Pick up book ‘Gorky Park’ and try to do some casual reading.

2:46pm – Fling book across room, hit refresh, sigh.

2:50pm – Analyze headlines from last few days: Cheney May Be Involved, Investigation Expanding to Manipulation of WMD Evidence, Hannah Cooperates with Fitzgerald, 22 Different Files Opened in Investigation.

3:41pm – Look into background of Cheney aide David Wurmser, who is also apparently cooperating with Fitzgerald. Make seventeen ‘Animal House’ jokes to self. Giggle like titmouse.

4:02pm – Take moment to let reality of other headline wash over soul: “Arrest Warrant Issued for DeLay.” Twitch. Shiver.

4:03pm – Refresh.

5:00pm – Suck it up and turn CNN on again. Hurricane Wilma sends chill up spine. The storm developed faster than any on record, and is impossibly huge. Nah, there’s no global warming.

6:22pm – Sixth cup of coffee with Tums chaser. Check web forums to see what people are talking about. Check blogs again. Check New York Times again.

7:12pm – Dig around in Google for articles I wrote about Wilson and Plame over last two years. Find this from February 2004, in essay titled ‘A NOC at Bush’s Door’:

Lewis Libby is one of the most important people on Cheney's staff. Along with John Hannah, who served as one of Cheney's Middle East Policy advisors, Libby was deeply involved in the activities of Rumsfeld's hand-picked Pentagon group, the Office of Special Plans. This group was put together specifically to re-engineer data regarding the threat posed by Iraq so as to manufacture justification for a decision to make war that had already been made. On several occasions, Libby visited CIA headquarters at the behest of Cheney to browbeat CIA analysts into "toughening up" their assessments of the threat posed by Saddam Hussein. Given all the work Libby and Hannah put in to make sure Bush got his Iraq war, it is no wonder they were less than thrilled with what Ambassador Wilson had to say.

Did these men out a CIA agent and destroy a network that tracked weapons of mass destruction? We may soon know. Attorney General John Ashcroft has recused himself from the investigation. A bulldog of a U.S. Attorney named Patrick Fitzgerald is special prosecutor investigating the matter. Several members of the Bush administration have been dragged before a Grand Jury, including White House spokesman Scott McClellan, McClennan deputy Claire Buchan, former press aide Adam Levine, Republican consultant Mary Matalin, who served as a counselor to Vice President Dick Cheney, White House communications director Dan Bartlett, former White House spokesman Ari Fleischer and Cheney aide Cathie Martin.

7:13pm – Pat self on back.

10:30pm – Dig up old Hunter Thompson quote about Watergate and the tapes:

"There are a hundred or more people wandering around Washington today who have heard the 'real stuff,' as they put it - and despite their professional caution when the obvious question arises, there is one reaction they all feel free to agree on: that nobody who felt shocked, depressed or angry after reading the edited White House transcripts should ever be allowed to hear the actual tapes, except under heavy sedation or locked in the trunk of a car. Only a terminal cynic, they say, can listen for any length of time to the real stuff without feeling a compulsion to do something like drive down to the White House and throw a bag of live rats over the fence."

12:04am – Hit refresh.

TOPICS: Government; Politics; Society; Weird Stuff
KEYWORDS: cialeak; du
Poor moonbats! So much tension, so little medication. I'm also collecting DU threads on their predictions and professed love for Fitzgerald just in case they're disappointed with the results. It might make a nice Before and After post.
1 posted on 10/20/2005 11:25:51 AM PDT by dukeman
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To: dukeman

Thanks for providing this window into the asylum. Your motto should be 'I read it so you don't have to."

2 posted on 10/20/2005 11:44:01 AM PDT by Argus
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To: dukeman
This was NOT a good week to start a diet

Is it just me, or is anyone else getting Airplane! flashbacks?

3 posted on 10/20/2005 11:48:16 AM PDT by kevkrom ("Political looters" should be on sight)
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To: dukeman
They're nuts.
4 posted on 10/20/2005 11:49:28 AM PDT by b4its2late (Liberals are good examples of why some animals eat their young.)
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To: kevkrom
Airplane! flashbacks?

Yes, I remembered that too. The moonbat was probably making a reference to Airplane!. They frequently draw on the world of fantasy/entertainment to express their feelings. Lots of Star Trek and Star Wars references. Remember, some of these folks think Martin Sheen really is the president.

5 posted on 10/20/2005 11:56:35 AM PDT by dukeman
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To: b4its2late

Part of their pathology is that they're the only ones who "get it." Everyone else is just too stupid or outright corrupt. We're supposed to listen to them and be thankful for them. Hehehe.

6 posted on 10/20/2005 12:04:32 PM PDT by dukeman
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To: dukeman

Martin Sheen with new duct tape endorsement

7 posted on 10/20/2005 1:06:10 PM PDT by CIDKauf (No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar.)
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To: CIDKauf
The West Wing- a moonbat's wet dream!
8 posted on 10/20/2005 1:27:37 PM PDT by dukeman
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To: balrog666; PetroniusMaximus; Wonder Warthog; dead; bobbdobbs; wideminded; nevergore; ...

Moombat bump!

9 posted on 10/20/2005 3:00:47 PM PDT by dukeman
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To: dukeman
Part of their pathology is that they're the only ones who "get it."

I've encountered this same mindset on FR, on different topics of course. It happens whenever conspiracy theorists gather and talk themselves into a frenzy while rejecting those who question their assumptions.

Clearly these people have taken it to a whole new level though.

10 posted on 10/20/2005 3:29:28 PM PDT by wideminded
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To: dukeman

"WiseButAngrySara ...!

...I have muscle spasms in my neck and buttocks from computer strain!"

That's what you get for having your head up your backside!

11 posted on 10/20/2005 3:41:50 PM PDT by PetroniusMaximus
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To: dukeman

I pick Wilson for 10

12 posted on 10/20/2005 3:43:29 PM PDT by Tarpon
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To: dukeman

what's amazing is not one of them wanted justice to be served, either way. they all wanted a Bush Admin indicted.

That is the main difference between Dems/Libs and GOP/Conservatives. They want their enemies tried and convicted regardless of facts. We want wrong doer's punished after convicted with facts.

13 posted on 10/20/2005 3:43:37 PM PDT by jw777
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To: jw777

I'd say you're absolutely correct! That's why we didn't see any high ranking Dems go to Bill Clinton and tell him it was time to leave office after he corruptly tried to rig a civil court case (the sex was a sideshow and it ultimately worked in his favor). On the other hand, Nixon was told to go by Republican elders for the good of the presidency and the country. No comparison!

14 posted on 10/20/2005 6:16:49 PM PDT by dukeman
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To: PetroniusMaximus

LOL! Repeated multiple times every day on DU.

15 posted on 10/20/2005 6:17:43 PM PDT by dukeman
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