"On the other hand conservatives are supposed to be objective and you can't do that judging the message by the messenger."
Sure you can. If someone attaches "Nazi" to their title, I ignore them. One could argure that the Nazi's had one good policy in that they purported to desire a good economy for Germany, but on the whole, they were so foul that nothing they say can be taken seriously or divorced from the knowledge that their goal, ultimately, was evil and wrong. I put the ACLU in the same category. In fact, they are even more pernicious and dangerous. The Nazi's were an open external enemy who, when they threatened us, could be dealt with efficiently and crushed. The ACLU is an internal enemy, a fifth column among us. They fight for NAMBLA and nothing can be done to them.
If the meesenger is a patriotic American, listen to what he says and decide. If the messenger is a Nazi or the ACLU, realize that the message it merely part of a scheme, the end product which happens to be the destruction of America.
Well said.
In this case we seem to be getting the same message from both.