So are there any hetero cases reported or are the victims all queer?
I agree, it is a 'lifestyle'.....regarless of sexual orientation.
'hooking up'
I know this is the latest in cultural expression...but every time I hear it, all I can picture are two praying mantis (or is it mantises?) "hooked up" together, one atop the other.
Live by the sword...
quarantine these people. If they did this with AIDS we wouldn't have the problems we now have.
Saltnlight has hopefully read enough of God's word to be well aware that we are to EXPECT this. I agree with her on all other points, and with you, Lindykim, that sexual morality problems and their consequences exist for ALL(even so-called Christians).
We must concentrate on the great commission, therein lies the ONLY hope. Hitting non-believers over the head with the Bible, trying to legislate revival-never gonna fix it that-o-way.
OK, guys -- what it is: This NEW scourge like AIDS -- is largely a BEHAVIOR RELATED CONDITION!
Bill Clinton's CDC released figures a few years ago reflecting that fully
85% of all AIDS/HIV cases are:
1. Active, non-monogamous homosexuals (the largest subset);
2. Heterosexuals and bisexuals who have had sex with group 1; and
3. IV drug abusers who share needles.
(Kinda gives new meaning to Romans 6:23, doesn't it?)
The remaining 15% (the REAL victims of AIDS!!) are those who have contracted AIDS via other, non-sexual/non-drug means SUCH AS TRANSFUSIONS OF TAINTED BLOOD (which one homosexual "leader" on the West Coast URGED his fellow homosexuals to CONTINUE to attempt to contaminate in order to involve the straight community in the push to increase federal funding for AIDS research).
What a guy -- er -- GAY!
I'd guess the stats in Africa are equally appalling -- and worse. There was a report some time ago (which has apparently now been deemed too non-PC to remain in the US press) that some adult male HIV infectees are raping girls aged 2 after hearing that doing so would "cure" AIDS. That sort of behavior redefines "ignorance" and suggests that pouring MORE US tax money down that rathole will have little or no impact on the problem.
Disease is not fair -it needs a host and a method of transmission to spread. In all fairness, sodomy with multiple partners -like drunk driving -- is a but disaster waiting to happen...
Homosexual Agenda: Categorical Index of Links (Version 1.1) |
What We Can Do To Help Defeat the "Gay" Agenda |
Myth and Reality about Homosexuality--Sexual Orientation Section, Guide to Family Issues" |
I agree that God gave us warnings, and a guide to healthy living, a way to live freely, but safely. There is danger with too much freedom, and as we can see, those who are taking their freedom to the extreme are in fact destroying it.
I also agree that thumping these godless sinners over the head with the bible will do no good, and we are better off to heed God's words concerning that as well. God only wants to know those who come to him freely, not by force. Therefore, your (and mine) adherence to the path toward our salvation is what we should make sure we follow first and formost, and just try help those who come looking.
Of course, this does not mean we as Christians should should sit idle, and watch OUR society crumble. It is after all the society WE (or rather our Christian forefathers) founded, so we should strive that it remains that way as well. We don't need to preach the bible in order to do that. We can make use of secular methods.
The Nether regions?
there have been warnings and a champaign is to begin to alert the health care community.
Quite a way to kick off a "campaign."