Posted on 10/23/2004 12:29:43 PM PDT by Sadie789
Subject: I Got My Draft Card.
I got my draft card, that is what you will be hearing, if Kerry wins and you or anyone you love is of draft age. Kerry winning will very likely end up causing a draft; the reasons are because the military is spread thin, Kerry has alienated our alliances, and Halliburton has said over and over that if they dont have enough protection for their employees they will pull out. Kerry said he plans to add 40,000 troops. So, lets see what will more likely happen if Kerry is elected.
First of all, Kerry has alienated our alliances. These countries will more likely start pulling their troops out. THIS MEANS WE WILL BE THAT MANY MORE TROOPS SHORT.
Second, Halliburton will pull out because their employees will not have enough protection. This means that military personnel will have to fill these thousands of empty job positions. THIS MEANS WE WILL BE THAT MANY MORE TROOPS SHORT.
Third, the military is already spread thin. THIS MEANS KERRY AS PRESIDENT WILL HAVE TO BRING BACK THE DRAFT. This can cause another Vietnam and thousands of lives lost, because Kerry will want to save face. Remember he said, Just because Bush couldnt do the job doesnt mean that he cant do the job.
Fourth, Kerry said he plans to add 40,000 troops. THIS MEANS THAT THERE WILL BE A DRAFT.
NOTE: Right now, the United States is training Iraq troops so that they can take over and we can bring our soldiers back home. I hope that we can be smart enough on Nov 2nd to give the Bush Administration the opportunity to accomplish this goal.
First, it really is in bad form to post the same vanity, twice in the same day.
Next: Some of this stuff you're kiting DOES seem paranoid.
As Howlin asks: WHEN did Haliburton say they will pull their contractors out?
Lastly, you DO seem rather combative, espcially for someone so new, who does not know us.
I would suggest that you calm down a bit and regroup. We're all a little testy here this week, the trolls and disruptors are thick on the ground and it's only going to get worse . Frankly we don't need the extra mayhem.
I've never heard Halliburton say such a thing, have you?
I haven't either, which is why I'm with you asking her to source that.
Check out the troll's post #9 to me.
"Gay people don't have to worry about a draft, they're exempt because they just are. So, they can support Kerry.
Still trying to figure out what wall THAT came off of.
EggsAckley wrote:
"Gay people don't have to worry about a draft, they're exempt because they just are. So, they can support Kerry.
Still trying to figure out what wall THAT came off of.
There's no doubt about it, we're getting some strange ones around here lately.
Shields up!
There were three in a row on the "latest article" page. This was the first. I really think they're gearing up to attack FR on the 2nd.
Perhaps a temporary moratorium on new signups might be in order just to help us get through election day.
mysterious, isn't it?
Well we ARE close to Halloween!
Actually we are NOT close to a draft even if Kerry wins. The draft is a fear ploy brought up by Dem's. We only have about 5% of our military in any action whatsoever. So this crap that we keep hearing on CNN, CBS, NBC and Abc about the military being thin is garbage. Just another example that the mainstream media is in love with John Kerry.
Imagine what the Dem's and the media is doing here. If our military is this thin and we are really only in two countries(Afghanistan and Iraq) This would be the best chance for our enemies to attack us. The liberals are really saying our military is weak. If our military is REALLY running thin, we are no longer the world power!
It's people like you that makes me wish Kerry wins,
so you'll know what real suffering is all about.Whoa! Pretty sassy there, newbie.
Please let me know if you want ON or OFF my Viking Kitty/ZOT ping list!. . .don't be shy.
Suffering is watching your country attacked by Islamic terrorist.
Suffering is having to comfort your children through it.
Suffering is watching someone you love leave home to defend this country.
Suffering is knowing that the rest of the world doesn't get it.
Suffering is knowing that by doing so, our country stands alone.
Suffering is knowing that our children will continue this fight into their adulthood.
Suffering is knowing that half of this country doesn't get it.
Suffering is realizing that John Kerry wants to be President of the United States.
Suffering is watching our President harassed, insulted, disrespected, and vilified from you and the rest of the world.
Spare me your damn suffering speech.
Save it for someone who gives a rat's ass. Save it for someone who supports a Vietnam Vet like John Kerry, but protests our Troops today.
Now be gone!
This thread brought to you by the department of redundancy department.
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In before the ZOT!® Thanks for the continuing pings, MeekOneGOP!
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