What is great about the Constitution Part is that it is noone's personal robot, that is why we vote for them. They are God-fearing men that happen to stand firm in their beliefs and principals, and don't just move with the larger crowd. Most of the 2nd-party candidates are robots to the majority of peaple like you. They follow what the majority wants, and sometimes that majority is wrong.
We need someone who will LEAD the majority, not as in a dictatorship, but one who will ask questions concerning what is right and wrong; not just what the majority wants. If the majority jumped off a cliff, I would hope that the president would have enough sense not to.
And there is a difference between Compromise and using Wisdom and Discernment.
Now, I would rather Bush win over Kerry, but do I think he is the best man for the job? No. If you think he is, then vote for him. But I am voting for the candidate I believe to be the best, not just better than the other guy. And if people actually lived by the beliefs and principles that they claim, then there would be a much larger impact made by 3rd parties. And to all of you who are saying that you'll not change your vote until the 3rd party can make a bigger impact, it can only make a bigger impact if you vote for them. You should vote according to your knowledge, your heart, and your convictions,(if you have any)