NOTE -- Send your petition by fax as well as email! Look for your opportunity after signing this petition. Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 is -- in a word -- treason! The movie fits the definition with its brazen betrayal of the United States of America that consciously and purposely acts to aid our enemies during war.
Some conservatives have laughed off the hatchet job on the Bush Presidency as just the flickering rants of a Hollywood madman. But Hezbollah gives it two thumbs up, way up, and the U.S.-hating world is gushing rave reviews like crude oil. It's a hit as terrorists say, "See, I told you so!"
More of our soldiers are dying as a result of Moore and his movie, and America is increasingly being threatened because of Moore's turncoat treachery. By falsely portraying our government in a negative light, as liars and manipulators, as well as our troops as baby killers and torturers, he incites blood-thirsty terrorists to strike at our homeland, our citizens and military personnel in an effort to weaken America's resolve to fight on to victory.
Free speech isn't free when it costs lives. This treasonous tactic of trying to win the White House by losing the war in Iraq must be stopped!
Here's your chance to demand U.S. Attorney John Ashcroft call Moore what he is -- a traitor guilty of treason against America!
Your signed petition will also go to House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert as well as your Congressmen.
The terrorists know they can't defeat the United States on the battlefield. Their only chance is at the ballot box by voting out the President who has successfully waged the war on terrorism since that dark day in September.
Let's make Moore an object lesson for those who would throw away all our soldiers have earned in Iraq for ill-gotten political and -- in Moore's case -- financial gain. Serve notice right now that those who knowingly aid America's avowed enemies by seeking to weaken our nation's war effort will be recognized and punished as traitors.
Tell A.G. Ashcroft to charge Michael Moore with treason, adding weight to your demand by having copies sent to congressional leaders. Act now to stop this treason!
Jon Alvarez Founder of Patriotic Americans Boycotting Anti-American Hollywood
PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION! Then email everyone you know!
pinging the patriots
spread the word...
I absolutely agree with the sentiments, but Moore and his coterie thrive on this sort of thing. It's just more free publicity and another opportunity to bash those "crazy rightwingers trying to censor him." I've been saying for ages that the way to deal with Michael Moore is to pretend he does not exist. He's like Freddy Kruger: let him into your nightmares, and he gets stronger. Ignore him, and he shrivels up and goes to Hell.
I would rather bring a lawsuit that he knew his claims about the BinLadens leaving were on Bush's orders when he knew since at LEAST March that it was the buttboy, Clarke...
Um, no. This would be the best possible way to get Kerry elected. The left is running around ranting that Bush is a fascist, and if Bush and Ashcroft try to throw a vocal critic in prison suddenly they'll have a point. The correct response is to either ignore Moore, or point out at every opportunity that he's a lying anti-American scumbag.
I would rather bring a lawsuit for libel; he knew his claims about the BinLadens leaving were on Bush's orders were false,he knew since at LEAST March that it was the on the buttboy, Clarke's orders...
I don't think Moore gives a fat rat's a$$ one way or the other. I think he is just pandering to seething idiots and profiting from making people mad. However, in this case, being as how the country is at war, I believe this qualifies as sedition at least.
You need to think this one through. About the only thing that would give Mikey Moore a bigger chubby than hijacking a Twinkie truck would be to have John Ashcroft attack his movie. He'd parley that into a $100 million box office take before the pizza guy showed up with with his 10-pie pre-dinner snack.
Blaming Michael Moore for terrorism is just as illogical as blaming America and President Bush on terrorism.
Terrorist kill because they are murderers. Anything else is just background static.
I personally think Michael Moore is dishonest in his editing and when he calls his propaganda a documentary. However our efforts are better spent trying to point out this fact then trying to stop him from expressing his illogical and hateful beliefs.
The terrorists can pat Michael Moore on the back all day, but I'd rather just not go see his movie then kick in the window at the video store and grab a copy to participate in the "movie burning."
You're not really on *our* side, right?
Sure... let's do exactly what he wants us to do.
I think not.
Keep in mind that Spider-Man 2 just yesterday -- it's first day of release -- blew past Mikey's total gross for the film entirely.
fo gedda boud id. Let history roll over him.
I can't decide if you're simply an idiot or if you are an agent provocateur. Either way, you're making conservatives look like a bunch of nutcases at time when it's completely inappropriate to do so.
OH NO! Don't tell me the sky is falling ~again~! :~\