Well, looks like the disruptor post that you replied to disappeared down the old ZOT! hole. But now there are more stupid and useless disruptor posts that have been added more recently. Well, it's not important.
What is important is that International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) has programs for re-establishing civil society in Republika Srpska, and resettling Serbian refugees there. This includes the town of Doboj. See, for example, http://www.iocc.org/nwsltr/fall99/fall99_pg1.html
Several years ago, I shifted my "wider church" giving from Lutheran World Relief (with its revisionist and Serbophobic mis-leadership), to IOCC as well as Serbian Orthodox relief agencies. The Serbs in RS get a VERY raw deal on international aid (including from LWR, which is focused mainly on Bosnian muslims and "Kosovars" in terms of its Balkans work, except for some little aid to inner Serbia). It is good to have IOCC at work in RS and in Kosovo.
Sorry, but the IOCC is a group I forego and does not keep their word of honor. I beg to differ on the IOCC. I found that out the hard way, they take but don't give in return when work/favors are done.