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Alleged Irag Prisoner Abuses.....So what?? Who Cares??
New York Times, Washington Post, etc....
| 5/11/04
| GeorgeW23225
Posted on 05/11/2004 1:56:36 PM PDT by GeorgeW23225
This post is NOT politically correct. Those of you who adhere to politically correct posts may want to hide your eyes..........
I'm as mad as hell, and I'm NOT gonna take it any more!!
Am I sorry for the "alleged" Iraqi prisoner abuses?? NO!! I'm only sorry that the story and the photos leaked out.
Why should we apologize?? I'm STILL waiting for an apology from the Muslims for September 11th, the Khobart Towers, The USS Cole, Madrid, the murder of Daniel Pearl, and NOW the murder of Nick Berg. Why should we be "polite" and "politically correct" fighting EVIL??
We need to use an "eye for an eye" philosophy here. And the sooner, the better. A well placed, low yield nuke, perhaps, would do the trick. No more Mr. Nice Guy. These EVIL people only respect force, so I say "Let's bring it on!!" If some people in this country don't soon wake up and smell the evil, my fear is that one day, we'll wake up wearing burkas, and living in the 14th century. To hell with them all, and to their supporters and apologists around the world. If they want a "war", let's give them a "war" they'll never forget!!
If we continue being VERY polite, and VERY politically correct, we all all going to be VERY dead!!
I feel so much better, now that I've "vented" !!
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To: GeorgeW23225
Right on point! Military Solution or No Solution!
posted on
05/11/2004 2:00:15 PM PDT
(Hoya Saxa = What Rocks)
To: GeorgeW23225
Two wrongs don't make a right. I think the willingness of Freepers to justify the sort of disgusting sexual abuse and behavior of the MPs is chilling and indecent.
To: GeorgeW23225
"Why should we be "polite" and "politically correct" fighting EVIL??" Because the liberals are the friends of evil.
To: GeorgeW23225
Tell us how you really feel, George! Personal anecdote: quite some while back there was a national event of enormous consequence that shall remain unnamed. I thought it quite intriguing that I seemed to react to it in a totally different way than it seemed most 'normal' people did. I remember wondering if I was really so far out of the mainstream or if the media just made it "look that way" etc, etc.. Anyhow, there was finally a poll taken on the matter right about that time and it turned out I was in a 9% fringe minority. I've never been the same since..
So, I just wanted to say welcome to the 9% fringe, George!*
*Though I'm definitely in the 79% supermajority on this one..
posted on
05/11/2004 2:03:52 PM PDT
(When the countdown hits zero - something's gonna happen..)
To: GeorgeW23225
Here's the problem I have with all of this: it will harm our ability to interrogate terrorists in Iraq.
There is a very clear line when that cannot be crossed when interrogating prisoners and these people crossed that line. They have brought unwarranted criticism and scrutiny to ALL of our men and women in uniform. The perpetrator should be and will be rounded up and dealt with harshly, but the fallout will be that our ability to extract information from these terrorists will be hampered.
We should show no mercy on the battlefield to those who mean to harm us and we must be firm and resolute in our interrogation of suspected terrorists, but we cannot abuse them.
Buzz in Lawrenceville
posted on
05/11/2004 2:04:53 PM PDT
To: Unam Sanctam
"Two wrongs don't make a right."
But three lefts do.
I guess the point is that we're agonizing as a nation over the prison abuse situation, and lots of folks just have no sympathy for anyone who is a Muslim right now.
For all of them, I suggest reading the entire book of Matthew.
Kill the terrorists. But all Muslims are not terrorists.
posted on
05/11/2004 2:05:25 PM PDT
(godless atheist)
To: AntiGuv
I said days ago that IMHO, we should not apologize and I stick to that.
posted on
05/11/2004 2:06:07 PM PDT
To: GeorgeW23225
here here!
Pig em
posted on
05/11/2004 2:06:30 PM PDT
("Government might not be too bad...................if it weren't for all the polititians!")
To: Unam Sanctam
I don't understand this whole "Why don't the Muslims apologize?" issue. The sick, horrible animals that kills innocent Americans in those cases listed above are not of any part of the nation of Islam. Do we expect Jordan or Egypt or Iran to apologize for something a group of disgusting radicals do?
Comment #11 Removed by Moderator
To: Unam Sanctam
..."disgusting sexual abuse and behavior..."
If the pictures had been taken in the US and were hanging in an art gallery in San Francisco, the artist would no doubt be getting a large prize and many commissions for like work.
I am sorry, but animals deserve to be treated like animals and I am only sorry some GI's are gonna get stuck holding the bag.
posted on
05/11/2004 2:10:22 PM PDT
The Louiswu
(I am a - 40-something White, Republican and proud of it!)
To: GOP_Initiative
Muzlims cutting off peoples heads has been going on for 1500 years.Anybody "shocked" by this brutal murder obviously doesn't know what we are dealing with.
Just wait until they start with the WMD in our cities.
They laugh at us over our concern about the prison "scandal".
They don't need a reason to chop somebody's head off.
posted on
05/11/2004 2:12:12 PM PDT
To: Anubus
"They must die, all of them, in the most horific ways we can imagine. By the thousands, by the millions, whatever."
posted on
05/11/2004 2:12:41 PM PDT
The Louiswu
(I am a - 40-something White, Republican and proud of it!)
To: The Louiswu
These islamo's want to raise the stakes, I say let them...we can raise them higher than they can. If they wanted war...they got it, we just need to make sure, GW finishes it.
posted on
05/11/2004 2:15:21 PM PDT
The Louiswu
(I am a - 40-something White, Republican and proud of it!)
To: GeorgeW23225
I don't think what was done was right, but this is a war and it is understandable. As for all the uproar over the abuses, I think it's been blown way out of proportion
posted on
05/11/2004 2:18:54 PM PDT
To: Unam Sanctam
"Two wrongs don't make a right. I think the willingness of Freepers to justify the sort of disgusting sexual abuse and behavior of the MPs is chilling and indecent." Nobody's "justifying" it, we are looking only to put it into its proper perspective, from whence it does not look nearly as bad as the liberals are trying to paint it for their political gain.
When you round a corner and see a large man slapping a woman in the face it looks like you've just stumbled upon a vile abuse. But had you rounded that corner five seconds earlier and you would have seen the woman spit on the man's face and kick him the scene suddenly does not look quite so bad. Perhaps this is not justification for her getting slapped by the much larger man, but it sure as hell clarifies things a bit. It's called PERSPECTIVE. But the liberal media don't want you see around the corner, they are happy to just report the slap, isolate it, and drum it into the public's head and carp on it ad nauseum.
The whole point is that if these liberal hypocrites are so appalled by the humiliation and relatively marginal abuse of Iraqi thugs, rapists, terrorists and murderers, then why the hell are they not utterly outraged and infuriated by the real torture, beheadings, executions and assassinations that the Islamofacists perpetrate against their POWs, Westerners and Christians?????????????????????????????
Comment #18 Removed by Moderator
To: MineralMan
For a "godless atheist", and on this issue, you've consistently come across as seeming more "Christian" than some of us who actually claim the Lord. It's pretty humbling as well as refreshing.
I believe the war on terrorism is the only right thing to do--it's either that or surrender, convert, and accept sharia. But *how* to best fight this war will naturally remain arguable.
posted on
05/11/2004 2:35:24 PM PDT
(Some folks should worry less about how conservatives vote and more about how to advance conservatism)
To: GOP_Initiative
"Do we expect Jordan or Egypt or Iran to apologize for something a group of disgusting radicals do?"
Yeah, really. That's like expecting the USA to apologize for the actions (or lack thereof) of the French, or maybe the Russians who were slaughtering innocent Chechens.
good point.
posted on
05/11/2004 2:36:59 PM PDT
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