To: breakem
I don't think I implied any of the things in the post to which I was pinged. You mave have read something into it that wasn't there.
>>The knowledge and science on these threads is laughable.
Enlighten us. Tell us which science you've chosen to accept, and why.
And what should society's position be on a lifestyle choice that has been responsible for one of the worst epidemics of our time?
To: FreedomPoster
The science I criticized today says that we can rape homosexual teens and convert them to heterosexuality. If you'd read my posts you'd have the specific info.
I believe adults have the right to have sex and choose their partner from other adults. What do you believe?
I believe the law should govern and prohibit adult sex with children.
There have been several epidemics in the US in the last century. All of which our government responded to with medical care and research. Would you have the government stop this practice? If so, I could use the tax break. And hope you and I do not suffer from the next epidemic.
97 posted on
05/01/2003 6:09:57 PM PDT by
To: FreedomPoster
that has been responsible for one of the worst epidemics of our time?Poing of information. A disease (AIDS) which infects less than 1% of the population, which is incredibly difficult to transmit, and whose patients live for years (with proper drug therapy) hardly qualifies as "worst epidemic", let alone as an "epidemic" to begin with.
256 posted on
05/02/2003 9:17:46 AM PDT by
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