It shows, dude, it shows...
This may be hard for you to grasp, but there are other places in this country where people ARE actually free...NYC ain't one of 'em. Maybe you should get out more....
Bad idea. There are already entirely too many people with Allsmiles' attitude who leave NY, NJ, and MA because their socialist ideas and socialist politicians have screwed up the economy. What do these clueless (but very very arrogant) nimrods do? The head south to places like GA and AL where state socialism hasn't completely ruined the economy (yet) and bring their moronic national socialistideas with them.
They move in and then demand more welfare, more gun control, more "public" education, more "public" housing etc. and more government thus not only do they befoul their own nests to the point where they can no longer tolerate it, but then they leave their messes behind an look for new pristine areas of the countly to contaminate with their fear and loathing of freedom and their desperate desire to be slaves of the government.
Keep in mind, that by the standards of NYC Allsmiles is a raging right wing conservative.