First off whom people put into office in an individual state is none of anybody else's concern. The people who were involved are there to serve their constituents not some conservative or christian appeaser from another state.
Secondly, what needs to be impressed upon here is that there are certain elements amongest us who want christians and conservatives punished for their beliefs and no amount of goverment force or whining on a message board is going to make christians or conservatives like myself hold hands or sing Kumbya with these enormously harmful elements if we don't want to.
This grandiose idea of chrisitans and conservatives singing Kumbya and holding hands with people of other political ideologies and religions is just not going to happen no matter how much someone on this message board wants it to happen.
And I can tell you that had I lived in one of those districts in Washington I would say to the freeper condamning those reps. "Screw you. You're not going to tell me who my representative is. You mind your own business in your own state.
Who these people put in office in their own state legislatures is their own decision and as far as I'm concerned is none of our freakin' business.