Although communism may reject "survival of the fittest" as a proper principle to apply in their system, it still elevates the state over God. Not unlike evolutionists insofar as they think they are entitled by law to have their point of view alone represented in public schools.
Now we're back on public policy debate. As a private individual, you are absolutely free to worship whoever and however you choose. But government schools must not take preference to any one particular religious viewpoint. Both Creationism and Intelligent Design are religiously-based ideas, and do not meet the standards of scientific theory.
Personally, if I was a grade-school science teacher, I would take advantage of this controvery as an exercise for my students in identifying the characteristics of a good theory.
Public schools are by nature a conglomeration of private individuals that hold any and every view of life imaginable. The attempt to introduce disclaimers WRT to evolution is a reaction to overhanded declarations by evolutionsts, who present themselves and their theories as if they must receive uncritical acceptance. This is a disservice to private individuals who may hold some fairly reasonable theories of their own.
I am no friend of a public school that cannot tolerate open intellectual debate. Just as one can hold evolutionist views without adopting communism, so can one hold creationist views without becoming a Christian.
I think the American public is getting just a bit tired of force-fed evolution theory when their tax dollars are paying for it.