Phaedrus: Just simple full-disclosure common sense, nothing more.
Except that what Oller ( ... appearing on behalf of the Louisiana Family Forum, a Christian lobbying group) means by "mistakes" probably aren't mistakes, what he means by "major falsehoods" probably aren't falsehoods, and what he is trying to accomplish in all this is not what he is disclosing.
Haeckel's embryos and the moths were frauds, period. Evolutionists continue to use these frauds in textbooks. The finches have been shown to interbreed for some 20 years and the evolutionists continue to state they are different species. The fly with extra wings is one of the strongest arguments for ID but the evolutionists continue to say it proves evolution. The Hardy-Weinberg experiment is completely backwards - amino acids do not produce DNA, it is RNA reading the DNA code that produces amino acids. There is no excuse for these LIES to be continued to be promulgated in textbooks except that evolutionists do not care about science, do not care about the truth. They only care about promoting their atheistic agenda.