Posted on 02/15/2023 7:34:57 PM PST by algore
According to local outlets in Tampa, Florida, process servers have attempted on nearly 30 occasions to deliver court papers at 10 different church properties.
The drops occurred between May and August and the servers were all turned away by security guards, including at the Hacienda Gardens facility where former members say he lives.
On January 25, lawyers for the plaintiffs asked attorneys for the Church of Scientology's leader if they would accept service and they declined.
Court papers were also delivered to Scientology properties but all attempts resulted in unsigned returned receipts. Some were refused at the location.
'For years, David Miscavige has succeeded in evading accountability,' a joint statement from the attorneys for Paris and the Baxters reads.
'(The) ruling brings our clients — who alleged to have endured unimaginable abuses in Scientology as children and into adulthood — one step closer to getting their day in court and obtaining justice against all responsible parties,' attorneys said.
Florida law technically requires defendants to be personally served, however, Sneed said that there is a loophole that allows for substitutes for 'nonresidents and individuals concealing their whereabouts.'
The lawsuit heavily implicates Miscavige and the Church in general in a series of allegations, including sleep deprivation and verbal abuse.
Church of Scientology have repeatedly denied the allegations.
'The allegations are both scurrilous and ridiculous and the lawsuit is both a sham and a scam,' a spokesperson said when the suit was filed. reached out to Scientology officials for a comment on the new ruling but did not receive a response by the time of publication
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
He concealing his whereabouts, and his missing wife’s grave.
More good news. Scientology is a sinister mind control cult and Miscavage combines evil, ego, and pure ignorance in amazing portions. Also he from Philadelphia.
I suspect, after ten years, that his wife is more than likely dead.
I’m surprised her family hasn’t sued for proof that she’s alive. That would have been my first option.
L. Ron Hubbard was a saint compared to the current sociopath murderer running the place.
Let’s hope this means the end of the Scientology cult.
I stumbled upon the Scientology building here in Phoenix while driving an alternate route.
It is a repurposed old stone building (not many of those here in Phoenix) and the windows looked to be all blacked out, at least at the lower levels. Creepy.
Some believe that these buildings (which reportedly sit empty) are actually used for CIA or other secret government operations. The theory goes that Scientology is an extension of MK Ultra and uses celebrities to promote a certain government agenda. (Also note that the CIA has script advisors for Hollywood writers)
This dirtbag has led many astray! I pray that he finds the Lord Jesus and repents for his evil deeds. Perhaps it is not too late for him to save his soul and to lead his brainwashed followers to the right path and away from the dark evil he has been promoting.
Nothing like setting the bar low to start with.
Yeah, I looked around for a few minutes finding the names of the Article III federal judges on this case, and stumbled across the name of one of the accusers in this lawsuit.
The greasy Scientology slimes created a smear website with her name as the URL.
Tells me that calling them pond scum would be an insult to self-respecting pond scum everywhere.
How can people fall for that crap? This has been going on for eons and nobody will touch it. Kudo’s to Lisa Rimini and a few others for exposing this evil place. I see movies with John Travolta and Tom Cruise and wonder WHY? Even Kirstie Alley who I thought had left sometime back but maybe she didn’t.....pure EVIL.
I don’t watch Travolta or Cruise movies any more.
“L. Ron Hubbard was a saint compared to the current sociopath murderer running the place.”
absolutely correct on all accounts ... hubbard was a con artist having fun inventing his own science fiction “religion”, whereas Miscavige is a totally evil sociopath ...
I wonder if hes out on their ship
Probably not, full of asbestos
"I am going to make you as happy as a baby Psychlo on a straight diet of kerbango!"
How could you forget immortal dialog like that?!
He is a dangerous nut that even his father was afraid of.
Tom Cruise is a nut as well.
Father of Scientology leader David Miscavige tells how he and his wife escaped from California compound and drove for three days straight to flee the church and his ‘ruthless’ son after months of planning
A typical example of how Scientology functions to try and destroy any opposition. L Sprague de Camp was one of its targets.
Battlefield Earth was an amusing piece of fluff, but I was surprised to learn that L Ron has an incredible body of word. Some of it very serious scientific research.
I have not read most of it, but what I did read made be question the depiction of him as a fruitcake.
I am not a scientologist, and I don’t support or reject any of the claims made about it.
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