Go convert Romney to whatever flavor of Christianity you approve of
As a Jew are you OK with the fact that Mormons dead dunk Jews who were victims of the Holocaust into Mormonism ???
are you OK with te fact that Willard himself admits to participating in dead dunking ???
Personally Im not OK that some of my own Christian ancestors have been dead dunked, endowed, ans sealed to all theoir then living descendants (including me) making me a full temple Mormon also..
(Since the process is qwell validated by Mormons that makes me qualified to speak about Mormonism)
Is it OK with you that Jewish leaders have for years begged the Morm ons to quitt dead dunking the Jewish victims of the Holocaust ???
What do you think of the fact that along with the victims Adolph Hitler is also now a dead dunked Mormon ???
BTW there is no way to reverse the dead dunking...
The dead cannot be excommunicated from Mormonism..
BTW I cant “convert” anyone into any religion...