Yeah. The financial melt-down was a violation of trust. The government has been throwing money at the problem when the problem is not money - it’s the trust that people have to have in the system and in people, in order to do business. As long as the issue of actual trust in the integrity of the foundations is not addressed, this nation can’t go anywhere - because the responses only show that the people who are supposed to fix the problem DON’T GET IT.
The ability of the people to join together to create foundations and expectations of stability is absolutely vital to a nation.
That’s why the lies (media), the corruption (government) and the mafia mentality (law enforcement) have to be addressed, and not just the individual issues such as healthcare, government motors, climategate, etc. Those are huge issues, but they illustrate the bigger, foundational problem: we have a government out of control and no way to make the laws stick. We have nobody we can trust.
Unless the good, law-abiding Hobbits in this nation find a way to unite and get back to our solid foundation, our “Shire” will be annihilated.
Media, government corruption, and the failure of law enforcement. Those are the battles of our day. Regardless of what anybody thinks about the eligibility issue, we need to join to insist on rebuilding those foundations.
in a nutshell..well thought out (standing ovation)