Tom, it IS a copy of the original JPG file that I made. The only true and correct image has "E.F. Lavender" and an "O" not a "6". The "K" and "6" are artifacts created by the JPEG algorithms averaging the anti-aliasing information on the original image capture I did from Orly's FLASH script display. The "K" and "6" images are illusions and NEVER existed.
Swordmaker: You have WAY, WAY more patience than I do. I would have stopped explaining the E vs. K issue about 100 Swordmaker posts ago. If people aren't willing to have at least a glancing look at the thread(s) (yes, they are getting very long) then I'm not sure they have an explanation coming.
But, as long as you are willing to walk another mile ...
I pulled the damn contentious things.
If somebody wants them, they can mail me.
The stupid “messed up one” is already being posted on other blogs and I can’t find a way to inform the blog owners of the error.
I made 2 comments on the blog asking them to pull it [18 comments already existed] and when I went back, ALL the comments were gone but the image is still there.
WTH is up with that?
Regarding pence and cents, you know what I am thinking? Suppose I wanted to make a forgery of the birth certificate. What would I do? I would certainly do research regarding the form itself, the coat of arms, the stamp, the paper, the typewriter, etc... But it would never occur to me to print the price on the form. Why? Because I’ve never seen a price printed directly on a document, so I would think of putting it here.
By the way, yesterday someone made a very good comment about the pence (I wish I remembered what post or which thread). It was historically common in England to charge 7 and a half shillings for all the documents. It was a standard price. This amount used to be called an “angel” at some point. This person even quoted what might have been a literary text. So it’s quite possible that Kenya borrowed this quaint tradition.