I've been all over the net looking at stamps, bank notes, coins, collectibles, souvenirs....at Google, Google Images, ebay, newspaperarchive.org, other archive sites, merchant sites and sites of private collections. All I've gotten is eyestrain. Not a trace of anything to indicate that Kenya used "Republic of Kenya" prior to 12/12/64.
And that's what we need to see.
Does anyone question the absolutely perfect english/grammar of the document? Does the Kenyan language of 1964 parallel our language THAT exact?
Re: postage stamps
According to Texasdarlin’ and WND, WND has multiple examples of Kenyan BCs from the time period we’re discussing; they’re all consistant in appearance with one another and the photo Orly Taitz has in her possession. Which means, ‘The Republic of Kenya’, like the United States of America, was in common usage BEFORE they adopted their constitution in December 1964.
Our opinions mean squat! What matters is authenticating the document with books in London and with other documents from the same period.
Orly has already had one authentication done and is seeking more, plus she is in London. I hope the British don’t stonewall her but aid us in getting rid of this horrible usurper.