Ever wonder why they get so nasty when you question it?
Ever wonder why they wrap themselves in the flag and start singing “Onward Christian Soldiers” ??
Because the [enter pretty pony name here]-tax is just a focal point of rage for people who really aren’t very smart, can’t figure out why they never get out of a hole, are chronic tax-paranoids, and a whole host of other issues they can’t seem to resolve for whatever reason.
They insist that hand-to-hand combat with the great bear is more effective than just cutting off the food supply and waiting it out.
Oh well..
xcamel said: “Same problem we all have with it (the Fair Tax) - illegal and unconstitutional spending. The FT is just lipstick and pearls on a pig, and they know it.”
xcamel constantly complains that the Fair Tax doesn’t have any provision for reducing gov’t spending. He’s right, it doesn’t (it’s a revenue program, not a spending reform program). But this seems to be his biggest objection to the Fair Tax because he brings it up repeatedly in every thread on the Fair Tax.
xcamel is a Flat Tax supporter. He’s told me this himself. If you go look at the Flat Tax bills in congress...
“S. 1081: Flat Tax Act of 2007” - http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=s110-1081
...and the more popular bill...
H.R. 1040 - http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=106_cong_bills&docid=f:h1040ih.txt.pdf
You will see that neither of these Flat Tax bills have any spending reduction provisions themselves (go look for yourself). In other words, he should be making the same objection to the Flat Tax that he does to the Fair Tax. But he doesn’t.
OK, xcamel, lets hear a cogent, well reasoned response. If you don’t have one there is no reason anyone should listen to your blather about how the Fair Tax has no provision for reducing government spending.