I don't think so. Quantum Theory throws physical reality as we know it wide open. Age as we perceive it is relative. Solid objects are comprised primarily of empty space. These things jibe well with the biblical texts which declare that a Creator spoke existence into being, creating energy first and establishing laws which keep the creation functioning as designed until such time as the Creator establishes a new and different physical reality.
An objective, world wide record of sedimentary activity agrees with the biblical text which states the earth was primarily covered with water at first; more than enough to result in a world wide deluge when the "fountains of the deep durst forth." Living creatures have always been observed to remain within boundaries WRT change (evolution), thus agreeing with the biblical texts which assert living creatures were created "after their kinds."
So . . . the physical evidence is in accord with the biblical texts. Nothing mysterious, supernatural, or unscientific about that.
No, science has not left behind those things to which the biblical texts attest. If anything, Darwinism left science behind. Science continues to affirm and uncover the works of God, just as it is meant to do.
No, it isn't. You are not addressing the evidence that geology does.