And instead of blindly believing what you've been told, why don't you start with Montague, Locke, know, all those pesky legal treatise that the Constitution is based on.
Then you can read the Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist papers, the ratification debates...then the Constitution.
If you have room for more, you can read George Tucker's View of the Constitution and James Madison's Report on the Virginia Resolutions that he wrote because of the unconstitutional Alien and Sedition Act.
THEN you may have room to lecture me about my statements toward someone who 'saved' the country while destroying the original intent of the Founders!
It was those which you support which instigated the Civil War and recall - lost. It would be wise really recall that little historical fact. Losers always attempt to rewrite history as today's tiny wacko cult of die-hard neo-confederate malcontents repeated display on these threads.
I saved you the trouble of typing it :)