Creationists cherry-picking and misrepresenting the scientific research of others? A shocking development.
It wouldn't be the first time the textbooks were wrong about fossilization. They used to say it took millions of years, but scientists have shown under the right conditions fossilization can occur in a matter of weeks.
"The reason it hasnt been discovered before is no right-thinking paleontologist would do what Mary did with her specimens." - article
Yet another example of how evolutionary theory hindered true research instead of promoting it.
Maybe, just maybe, it's not the decay that the textbooks have wrong. Maybe what is wrong is this..." Geologists have established that the Hell Creek Formation, where B. rex was found, is 68 million years old, and so are the bones buried in it. "
I'm not saying she wants too. But Dr. Schweitzer would be laughed out of the so-called scientific community if she attemtped to dispute the geologists. She's lucky that enough scientists have taken her to be credible that they even bothered to check other fossils and confirm her findings.
Why, next you'll be telling us that Democrats want to raise your taxes.
Scientists cherry-picking and misrepresenting the scientific research of others? A shocking development...
"But when creationists misrepresent Schweitzers data"
How's this different than "scientists" misrepresenting their own data, to fit their own agenda?
The best way to deal with the ignorant with an agenda is to ignore them.
I can easily dismiss the "fundamentalists" statements quoted in the article. Mixing science and faith is a fool's errand, in this case, literally.
In order for a challenge to be taken seriously, I would have to accept that those moonbats challenging science know all the final answers about decay, and how it has been viewed up to now by everyone. I tend to accept the scientist's view that "We don't know what we thought we knew" about decay.
Which after all, is the subject of this article. It puzzles me that a scientist would have the time to be frustrated by fundamentalist challenges.