This case had no business going to trial. I think the fact that the courts have politicized themselves by overreaching on issues of abortion and religion makes it clear to me that it is time for congress and the president to put their foot down.
Congress has the constitutional authority to control the appellate jurisdiction and the original jurisdiction of the lower courts. I believe they should simply pass a law that states that no federal court other than the Supreme Court shall have original or appellate jurisdiction to declare any law or action of the congress, the President or the states unconstitutional. They should also pass a law that any decision of the Supreme Court in regard to the constitutionality of any law passed by the congress or the states shall be overturned by a 2/3 majority in the house and senate with approval of the President.
I think that would end the flood of these silly lawsuits.
The Dover case is a civil suit, is it not? Do you think aggrieved parents should be blocked from suing school boards over questions of curriculum?
uh...aren't you pretty much describing the Amendment process already established by the Constitution?