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To: theophilusscribe

Here's an interesting tidbit:


Caligirl wrote:

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 4:25 am

[I got some things for you Monkeys to talk about this morning!
Guess who Tito's brother is? None other than Garrick Lacle who works advertising for CnC... hmmm.. what do you Monkeys think of that?]

1,560 posted on 08/25/2005 5:55:36 AM PDT by truthluva ("Character is doing the right thing even when no one is looking" - JC Watts)
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To: All

Good read:


Look no further than the case of Amy Lynn Bradley
by Dan McGee
Thursday, August 25, 2005
I thought the commentary about the "Natalee Holloway," madness was very interesting.

As a journalist myself, I was wondering where he got the information about the dissention within the Twitty camp.

Now this could be true, and if it is that shows me that the people, who came to Aruba to search for Holloway's body were actually seeking to stroke their own egos. If so, they apparently lost sight of what was supposed to be going on.

Personally I believe what Beth Twitty has been saying about the authorities on Aruba. In fact this was kind of confirmed when the Prime Minister, in what has to be almost the understatement of the year, admitted that there were mistakes made.

If someone wants further proof they need look no further than the case of Amy Lynn Bradley. This woman was kidnapped off a cruise ship that docked at Curacao in March of 1998. A year later she identified herself to an U.S. Navy sailor in a brothel, which I believe, was in the same port she was kidnapped in.

The FBI interviewed the sailor, who waited too long to report this, and confirmed his story. This means that a kidnapped woman was enslaved in a brothel, and made to work as a prostitute, right under the noses of the local police.

In the Holloway case the police waited long enough for any evidence to be covered up before any arrests were made. Then Van Der Sloot's father was briefly arrested and informed the boys that if there was no body, there was no case.

Since the chief of police is Joran's godfather doesn't this indicate something is amiss?

Despite all of this I know that the majority of the people in the Antilles are good, decent people trying to make a living. Just like I met on two sides of this world.

After spending most of my life in tourist areas I know just how difficult making a living can be. My question to them is, what have you become?

I'd bet money that some of the staff at that brothel on Curacao knew that Bradley was a prisoner there and kept against her will. Some of them probably know when and where she was shipped to. If she was killed, they know that as well. In fact some might even have had a hand shipping her to the mainland and might even know just where she actually is.

Of course I can't blame them for being silent.

Once again, look at Aruba. Where is that gardener whose testimony blew a hole in the boy's story? If he's smart, he'll be back on Colombia in hiding or if not probably has suffered a fatal accident. Still, I hope they can find him alive.

So folks, it all comes down to you. It's not 1998 and the Internet allows a person to offer real information anonymously. So far the Bradleys have only heard silence about their daughter. Let's see decent citizens of the Antilles finally stand up and be counted, even if they can't publicly do it.

Oh yes, if you want to respond, forget the hate mail I'm seeing on Holloway's site. That just shows you're worthy of the scorn Beth Twitty and others have for you.

Finally I want to leave you decent types with two American sayings that I think apply. First is "action speak louder than words," let's see those who know either go to their ministers or use the Internet to offer real information to both grieving mothers. Something that might actually help.

And last of all, to you decent citizens of the Antilles, the "ball is in your court." Maybe someday the names of these two unfortunate women be remembered as the turning point when the decent people started to make the Antilles the paradise it should be.

Thanks and good luck

P.S. Any information should be sent to either of the two following websites.
Amy Bradley -
Natalee Holloway -

1,561 posted on 08/25/2005 6:12:13 AM PDT by truthluva ("Character is doing the right thing even when no one is looking" - JC Watts)
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To: truthluva

Methinks you found the missing link! :o)

1,563 posted on 08/25/2005 6:35:33 AM PDT by theophilusscribe
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To: truthluva
Guess who Tito's brother is? None other than Garrick Lacle who works advertising for CnC... hmmm.. what do you Monkeys think of that?]

Maybe that's why he thinks she's a slut -- most girls in there probably are. He doesn't understand protected American teens on a special weekend abroad.

1,622 posted on 08/25/2005 2:06:22 PM PDT by Yaelle
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