A 'dunce' and 'not smart enough', wow? The dunce schlub was born in a log cabin and became President. He was not 'smart enough' to have eyes in the back of his head to stop a murdering madman too.
What is your testimonial Stand?
We are constantly told by the Paleo-Confederates how Lincoln was smart enough to be able to get the South to fire the first shot to start the war.
So if he was a dunce, then what does that make the Southerners?
he could have saved a MILLION lives, which were NEEDLESSLY lost during the war.
from lincoln's perspective, the ONLY reason for prosecuting a war against the new dixie republic was for the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR & POLITICAL POWER.
absent those two BSAE motives, lincoln & his coven of thugs cared NOTHING for "preserving the union" or about the plight of the slaves.
i know that you (& several others of the unionist coven of lincoln worshipers) aren't smart enough to comprehend that SIMPLE truth. PITY.
free dixie,sw